Unofficial ui for oban. This repo is not a replacement for obanpro
If you are not able to afford the pro version, you can use this. It lacks a lot of features so PR's are welcomed to improve it.
Add {:oban_ui, git: "", branch: "master"}
to your mix.exs file and run mix deps.get
ObanUi does not start a separate phoenix application. It will attach to your own phoenix application.
Add this to your config.exs file
config :oban_ui, repo: MyApp.Repo, app_name: MyAppWeb
In you router.ex file add the following
defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
import ObanUi.Router
scope "/", MyAppWeb do
pipe_through :browser
will accept any path you give to it
- List all Jobs
- Delete or Discard single job
- delete all jobs
- pagination