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Releases: byjpr/ShopiexRL

Super Simple v0.0.1

17 Sep 15:13
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Super Simple v0.0.1 Pre-release

What does it look like?

current state

The simplest method to track API requests with the Leaky Bucket algorithm, making sure not to overfill any bucket that you have access too.

Shopiex is geared towards working with Shopify, but by ignoring some naming conventions it could be used in other places that have implemented the Leaky Bucket algorithm.

Quick Start

Add Shopiexrl to your mix.exs. Currently only on GitHub:

def deps do
  [{:Shopiexrl, github: "", tag: "v0.0.1"}]

Fetching dependencies and running on elixir console:

$ mix deps.get
$ iex -S mix

Usage with Tesla

Tesla a HTTP client library for Elixir. In this example, we use as an example store URL.

	{ShopiexRL.Tesla.Middleware, name: "my-shopify-subdomain"}