noticeBoard is the CTD (Cooperatively Things Done) tool, applying GTD techniques to the teamwork.
- “the board of notes” — a simple metaphor acceptable even outside the IT world; with the configurable terminology,
- teamwork-oriented; the note on the board can (but not required to) be the task (action) to be performed,
- suitable for single-user GTD needs as well; private boards (projects) can be created,
- mobile access; works from Kindle, should work from smartphones; the single layout for both a desktop and a small screen,
- detailed control of the note status; notes-tasks can be delegated, paused, etc.
- fine-grained setting of user permissions; only certain privileges can be granted to certain users on a given board,
- log of operations (a note history); who/when/what did with the note,
- attachments to the note can be saved; documents, pictures, etc.
- priorities, dates and times of a note; notes can be sorted or filtered by their properties,
- Textile note formatting supported.
noticeBoard is a pretty normal Ruby on Rails 3.0 web application.
The only choice you need to do (with no default value provided) is the selection of the application terminology.
All variants can be found in the config/locales/options directory.
If you like boards instead of projects and notes instead of actions, please use cs-nb.yml or en-nb.yml file. If you want to use strict GTD terms instead, use cs-gtd.yml or en-gtd.yml.
The selected terminology has to be linked (or copied) to the localization file with the correct name (config/locales/XY.yml), for instance:
cd config/locales ln -s options/cs-nb.yml cs.yml
Do not forget to set your default locale in config/application.rb
After seeding your database you can log in as the ‘admin’ user with the ‘password’ password.
Please go to /users/1 and change your password and email then. You can also change the user name (not required).
Copyright © Pavel Suchmann 2010-2011, bver at