A Git-compatible VCS that is both simple and powerful
Tools for synching and streaming files from Windows to Linux
A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed.
Slint is a declarative GUI toolkit to build native user interfaces for Rust, C++, or JavaScript apps.
A cross-platform UI library for Windows and macOS
ArchLinux ARM SD card images for quick start with ArchLinux on ARM SBC & TV Boxes
a community-built Arch Linux Installer for ARM (Aarch64) based devices.
libSQL is a fork of SQLite that is both Open Source, and Open Contributions.
A JavaScript Typing Animation Library
Fast and lightweight HTML/CSS rendering engine
metaeducation / ren-c
Forked from rebolsource/r3Library for embedding a Rebol interpreter into C codebases
pg_timetable: Advanced scheduling for PostgreSQL
A Flutter widget for rendering static html as Flutter widgets (Will render over 80 different html tags!)
A simple multiselect dropdown with select all and search options. Works with a simple list and a list of maps.
Fast and extensible multi-platform HTTP/1-2-3 web server with automatic HTTPS
Very lightweight and fast editable web grid with strict MS-Excel adherence to user experience. Very modern (web components, es6 modules) with no dependencies.
🚀A curated list of awesome resources related to Alpine.
Lightweight and minimal dom template and ajax helpers
An easy to use, lightweight library for web-components.
Liteweight and very easy to use state manager for Flutter, incorporating state mangement and value storage in one. It's here to replace tons of boilerplace code of other state managers. The package…
djave-co / mvp
Forked from andybrewer/mvpMVP.css — Minimalist classless CSS stylesheet for HTML elements
OrioleDB – building a modern cloud-native storage engine (... and solving some PostgreSQL wicked problems) 🇺🇦