Drafty strives to keep data up-to-date by recruiting people to review it from the crowd of people who are already using it. The data is hosted on Drafty, a web-based spreadsheet. Potential reviewers are matched to topics they likely have an interest in, by inferring their interest from interactions such as text highlighting, pointing, searching, sorting, and clicks. This continual review allows the maintenance of data to be self-sustaining over time.
Please look in the branch "shaun=dev-branch" to find the source code used in the papers:
Drafty: Enlisting Users to be Editors who Maintain Structured Data Shaun Wallace, Lucy van Kleunen, Marianne Aubin-Le Quere, Abraham Peterkin, Yirui Huang, Jeff Huang
Case Studies on the Motivation and Performance of Contributors Who Verify and Maintain In-Flux Tabular Datasets Shaun Wallace, Alexandra Papoutsaki, Neilly H. Tan, Hua Guo, Jeff Huang
For additional scripts, the server folder has numerous scripts to update and manage the live server.
cd docker/<local_dev or production>/
update the root password in the docker-compose.yml file: - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<your_db_password>
docker-compose up -d
Install project dependencies and Run Locally (we use Node v16.3.0 and NVM to switch between versions of Node and NPM)
cd backend
npm install
npm run watch
cd <file_directory_of_this_repo>
git stash
git pull
cd backend/
npm run build
pm2 reload all
cd /vol/csopenrankings
git pull
NOTE: cs open rankings is served statically from drafty’s web server
pm2 reload all