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Life Cell Logic Design Contest

On June 16, 2022, I announced a design challenge on Twitter, to design the combinatorial logic for one cell of John Conway's cellular automata "Life", with the objective of using a minimal number of discrete logic chips, with memory chips and programmable logic chips not allowed.

Here is a compliation of the tweets of the announcement and rules.

The idea for the contest came about as I was optimizing RTL code for an FPGA life cell. In FPGAs with 6-input LUTs, a life cell can be implemented in four LUTs, which I believe is optimal. As I was thinking about that, it occurred to me that this would be an interesting challenge for discrete SSI/MSI logic. The Life next-state logic is not very conducive to optimization using traditional techniques like Quine-McClusky tabular minimazation, or other methods that result in a flattened sum-of-products, as that results in 84 product terms.


The winning entry was submitted by @summivox on June 18th at 0330 PDT. It is a three chip design using two 74LS283 four-bit adders and a 74HC[T]4067 sixteen-to-one multiplexer.


Mulitple entrants came up with three-chip entries, all of which used two four-bit adders (74LS283 or equivalent) and an 8:1 or 16:1 multiplexer. They differ in minor details, but all work in essentially the same way.

I have not validated all of the entries. There were a few more entreis that were rejected for not meeting the rules or having obvious faults, and I have not listed those here. Some contestants submitted multiple entries, and I have only listed their first entry with their lowest chip count.

Thanks to everyone who participated!

ID date time (PDT) chip count chips
@RCAVictorCo June 17 1118 6 3 '283, 1 '06, 1 '08, 1 '4067
@babbageboole June 17 1136 6 4 '283, 1 '04, 1 '11
@summivox (winner) June 18 0330 3 2 '283, 1 '4067
@GrumpyCat111111 June 19 1802 3 2 '283, 1 AS250
@glidingholly June 19 1858 3 2 '283, 1 '151
@ravenslofty June 23 0858 3 2 '283, 1 '151
@pepijndevos June 26 0148 3 2 '283, 1 '251
@Shaos1973 June 27 0433 3 2 '283, 1 '151
@xlengineer1 June 30 0640
Larry Fish July 1 2322 9 1 '00, 2 '154, 2 '20, 2 '30, 2 '54

My design (not a contest entry)

I started working on a design after I announced the challenge. After I validated my design in a simulator, on June 17th at 1738 MDT I tweeted the ssh256sum of the schematic PDF. On July 2nd, after the contest deadline, I tweeted notes regarding my design. Many of the contestant's designs work similarly.

Honorable mentions

  • @babbageboole proposed the idea of an analog design, right before I updated the rules to disallow it

  • @summivox actually degined a two-chip analog design, in addition to the winning three-chip digital design

  • @GrumpyCat111111 has a design using four identical chips ('283 adder)

  • @pepijndevos has a design for four cells using eight chips (average two per cell)

  • @Shaos1973 used a decision tree tool to generate a design using 25 2:1 mulitplexers

  • Larry Fish for a 13-chip all-SSI design, using 1 '04, 6 '10, 2 '32, 4 '86


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