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AV1 support

Carl edited this page Feb 12, 2019 · 1 revision

Bromite can play AV1 videos since release 71.0.3578.72; the codec/mime is reported as probably by the HTML5 video canPlayType Javascript API since release 72.0.3626.68.

A fully-qualified AV1 codec descriptor should be used when querying the canPlayType API, example:

video/webm; codecs="av1" is not presently sufficient. A valid mime/codec would be: video/webm; codecs="av01.0.05M.08"

A developer tools console one-liner to test the availability of AV1:

> document.createElement('video').canPlayType('video/webm; codecs="av01.0.05M.08"')
< "probably"

("probably" is the result you will receive with current Chrom* for desktop and Bromite, but not with Chrom* for Android).

AV1 tests


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