- EigoPost is a site for Japanese ESL students to study and practice English - modeled after sites such as StackOverflow. Eigo means English in Japanese.
- Users can post English grammar and usage questions to be answered/commented on by other users.
- Users can also write short news or fictional stories to practice writing English.
- Users can then vote these answers/comments up or down.
- Frontend built on the React Javascript library
- Backend built on the NodeJS Runtime Environment
- ExpressJS as a backend framework
- Bootstrap5 for styling
- React-Spring for animations
- Axios for data fetching
- Formik for form handling
- SASS for SCSS preprocessing
- SendGrid and NodeMailer for mail processing
- MongoDB(Atlas) for database functionality
- MongooseJS for object modeling
- Yup for object schema validation
- Jsonwebtoken for securing tokens