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Collection of algorithms for solving asymmetric linear sum assignment problems including several forward/reverse Auction algorithms, as well as an implementation of the Hungarian algorithm. The Auction algorithms are typically more efficient for sparse problems.


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using AssignmentSolver
cost = [ii * jj for ii in 1:8, jj in 1:9]
reward = Float64.(reward2cost(cost)) #convert cost matrix to a reward matrix or vice versa

#Find maximal assignment
auctionsol, lambda = auction_assignment(reward) #Find maximal assignment
compute_objective(auctionsol, cost) #Compute objective
auctionsol.r2c  #Report column each row is assigned to

#Find minimal assignment
hungariansol = hungarian_assignment(cost) #Find minimal assignment
compute_objective(hungariansol, cost) #Compute objective
hungariansol.r2c #Report column each row is assigned to

By default auction algorithms will find a maximal assignment while the Hungarian algorithm will find a minimal assignment. The reward2cost function will convert a reward matrix to a cost matrix (or vice versa) allowing either class of algorithm to be used. See test/runtests.jl for additional examples.

AssignmentState Type

Both classes of algorithm return an object of the AssignmentState type defined below.

mutable struct AssignmentState{G<:Integer, T<:Real}
    r2c::Array{G, 1} #Map row to assigned column, zero otherwise
    c2r::Array{G, 1} #Map column to assigned row, zero otherwise
    rowPrices::Array{T, 1} #Row dual variable
    colPrices::Array{T, 1} #Column dual variable
    nassigned::G #Number of assignments
    nrow::G #Number of rows
    ncol::G #Number of columns
    nexcesscols::G #ncol - nrow
    sym::Bool #nrow == ncol

Row assignments are stored in the r2c field. The additional \lambda value returned by the auction algorithms is an internal parameter used in solving asymmetric assignment problems, see references for additional details.

Sparse Assignment Problems

The provided Hungarian algorithm is implemented only for dense problems (any row can be assigned to any column). In contrast auction algorithms are implemented to solve both dense and sparse problems (by supplying a sparse reward matrix).

Existsence of a Feasible Assignment

For sparse problems there is no guarantee that a feasible assignment, where each row is assigned to a different column, exists. Methods exist to detect in feasibility in auction algorithms automatically (see references) but are not currently implemented. A simple way to ensure that a feasible assignment exists is to add a number of dummy columns to the reward matrix so that every row is guaranteed to have a column to which it can be assigned. This can be done explicitly with the pad_matrix function which will return a new reward matrix or implicitly setting pad = true within the auction algorithm.

auction_assignment(pad_matrix(reward, dfltReward = 0.0))
auction_assignment(reward, pad = true, dfltReward = 0.0)

Setting pad = true does not generate a new reward matrix but instead implicitly adds possible assignments row, ncol + row with rewards of dfltReward. An alternative interpretation of this approach is that rows may be left unassigned and receive a reward of dfltReward. Setting dfltReward lower (negative with larger absolute value) encourages the algorithm to find an assignment using the arcs in the supplied reward matrix to be used. Setting dfltReward = -Inf is equivalent to adding no padded (dummy) entries (setting pad=false).

Auction Algorithm Details

Tuning Parameters and \epsilon-scaling

Solutions to assignment problems found by an auction algorithm are only approximate, the objective value of the returned assignment will be within n * \epsilon of the optimal objective value, where n is the number of rows, for a given tolerance \epsilon. If the rewards are integers then selecting \epsilon < 1/n guarantees that the assignment is optimal. For non-integer rewards optimality can be guaranteed by setting \epsilon < \delta/n where \delta is the smallest difference between non-identical values of the reward matrix. The complexity of auction algorithms is enhanced through the use of \epsilon-scaling, solving the assignment problem repeatedly for successively smaller values of \epsilon. This processes can be controlled through several tuning parameters:

  • epsi0: starting value for \epsilon
  • epsitol: final value for \epsilon
  • epsiscale: rate to shrink \epsilon, \epsilon_t = \epsilon_{t - 1} * epsiscale
  • dfltTwo: Default second best reward, default value is -Inf but in principle any large (relative to other reward values) negative value should work if Inf value dual variables are problematic

See Bertsekas and Castañon (1992) for additional details.

Forward / Reverse Algorithms

A specific auction algorithm can be specified by setting the algorithm parameter to one of "as", "asfr1", "asfr2" or "syfr" (e.g. auction_assignment(reward, algorithm = "as")). The "syfr" algorithm is useful only for symmetric (equal number of rows and columns in the reward matrix) and cannot be used with padding, however it yields substantial runtime improvements for symmetric problems. The auction_assignment function is a wrapper which calls one of the following functions:

  • auction_assignment_as
  • auction_assignment_asfr1
  • auction_assignment_asfr2
  • auction_assignment_syfr
  • auction_assignment_padas
  • auction_assignment_padasfr1
  • auction_assignment_padasfr2

Finer grained control is available by calling these functions directly. Definitions are consistent with those used in Bertsekas and Castañon (1992) with pad indicating a version including dummy entries to ensure feasibility. In practice asfr1 and asfr2 display similar performance although asfr1 is thought to be more efficient in some scenarios. Performance for as is generally slower.

Algorithm Complexity

The worst case computational complexity for the Hungarian algorithm of O(n^3), for a cost matrix with n rows, is well known. For auction algorithms, with integer rewards, the worst case computational complexity is O(nA\log(nC/\epsilon)), where A is the number of arcs in the underlying graph of the assignment problem, C is the maximum absolute value of the assignment rewards, and \epsilon is the tolerance to which the problem is solved. While I am unaware of findings on the typical complexity for the Hungarian algorithm, other than that it is faster than O(n^3), the average case for auction algorithms appears to grow like in simulations O(A\log(n)\log(nC)). See references Bertsekas (1998), 7.1 for auction algorithm complexity results.


  1. Bertsekas, D.P. and Castañon, D.A., 1992. A forward/reverse auction algorithm for asymmetric assignment problems. Computational Optimization and Applications, 1(3), pp.277-297.
  2. Bertsekas, D.P., 1998. Network optimization: continuous and discrete models (pp. 467-511). Belmont: Athena Scientific.


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