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This is the official Research Compendium (RC) documentation, with all the materials (Codes, data, and computing environments) needed for the reproduction, replication, and evaluation of the results presented in the paper: A reproducible and replicable approach for harmonizing Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 images


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A reproducible and replicable approach for harmonizing Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 images


This is the official Research Compendium (RC) documentation, with all the materials (Codes, data, and computing environments) needed for the reproduction, replication, and evaluation of the results presented in the paper:

Marujo, R. F. B. et al (2023)., Carlos, F. M., Costa, R. W., Arcanjo, J. S., Fronza, J. G., Soares, A. R., Queiroz, G. R., Ferreira, K. R. (2023) A reproducible and replicable approach for harmonizing Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 images. Frontiers in Remote Sensing v.4. doi: 10.3389/frsen.2023.1254242

Research Compendium Content

The organization defined for this RC, aims to facilitate the use of the codes implemented to generate the results presented in the article. The processing codes are made available in a structure of examples that allow the execution without difficulties, making it possible for others to reproduce and replicate the study performed.

These codes are stored in the 📁 analysis directory, which has three subdirectories:

  • 📁 analysis/notebook: Directory with the Jupyter Notebook version of the processing flow implemented in the article associated with this RC. For more information, see the Reference Section Processing Scripts;

  • 📁 analysis/pipeline: Directory with the Dagster version of the processing flow implemented in the article associated with this RC. For more information, see the Reference Section Processing Scripts;

  • 📁 analysis/data: Directory for storing the generated input and output data. It contains the following subdirectories:

By default, the input data, because of the size of the files, is not stored directly in the data directory (analysis/data/). Instead, as described in detail in the Reference Section Helper scripts, they are made available in the GitHub Release Assets of the RC repository.

To build the processing scripts available in the analysis directory, we have created several software libraries and auxiliary scripts. The source code for some of these tools is available in the 📁 tools directory. In this directory there are four subdirectories, namely:

Another directory available in this RC is composes. In this directory are Docker Compose configuration files for the computing environments needed to run the examples available in this RC. For more information about the RC computing environments, see the Reference Section Computing Environments.

In the composes directory, there are two subdirectories:

For more information about the examples, see Section Data Processing.

Complementary to the composes directory is the docker directory. This directory holds the Dockerfile files used to build the environments used in Docker Composes. This directory has two subdirectories:

In addition to these directories, some files are fundamental to using the materials in this RC:


To learn more about the materials, scripts, computing environments, and data, of this RC, please refer to the official documentation:


Code : GPLv3;

Data : CC-0;

Text and figures: CC-BY-4.0;


This is the official Research Compendium (RC) documentation, with all the materials (Codes, data, and computing environments) needed for the reproduction, replication, and evaluation of the results presented in the paper: A reproducible and replicable approach for harmonizing Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 images






