This is an application which allows users to add their favourite quote on the website and vote whether they like or dislike the existing ones, 7th July,2019
This application allows users to add their favourite quote to an existing list of Quotes.It also show for how long a quote has been existing on the website. It also allows the users to vote whether they like or dislike the existing quotes.
When the user clicks on the add Quote button it appends the details he/she has entered. When the user clicks on the "like it" button, it displays the number of likes the quote has. When the user clicks on the "Naah!!" button , it displays the number of dislikes the quote has.
When the user clicks on the Delete button, the program asks for a confirmation on whether the user surely wants to delete the Quote. If the user confirms that she/he wants to delete, the Quote is removed from the list
- Open this link on a supported web browser to interract with the application: To view the source code :
- install Atom/Visual studio code
- git init
- git clone
- On your terminal navigate to the folder where the cloned repository is saved
- HTML was used in making the skeleton of the website.
- CSS was used in styling the document.
- Javascript (Angular) was used in making the webpage responsive.
- Atom was the source code editor of choice.
- Git and Github were used as my local and online repositories respectively.
In case of any questions or any interest, please contact me using any of the following:
- Email: [email protected]
MIT Lecense Copyright (c) {2019} Brian Mumo Paul