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Braille transcription software for BrailleRAP. AccessBrailleRAP allow you to input text, translate the text into Braille and 'print' the Braille on a BrailleRAP. This software is compatible with NVDA screen reader.


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Braille transcription software for BrailleRAP. NVDA compatible. The project use several open source licensed software:

  • liblouisreact, a liblouis version slightly modified to run in react.js environnement.
  • liblouis
  • pandoc
  • pywebview


We provide pre-built binaries for Windows and Linux. See releases for more information.

AccessBrailleRAP depends on glibc version. Unfortunately recent Debian and Ubuntu distribution are not using exactly the same. If your are using Debian12 or a derivate distribution, use desktopbraillerap-debian. If you are using Ubuntu24.04 or a derivate distribution, use desktopbraillerap-ubuntu



To use the BrailleRAP embosser from Linux, the user need permission to use the serial port. This generaly mean that your user need to be in the dialout group.


AccessBrailleRAP use liblouis to translate text into Braille. You can select the Braille language (English, French...), contracted or uncontacted Braille, and 6 dots or 8 Dots Braille standard. The original version of liblouis is available here The modified version for react.js is available here The module for react.js is available here

liblouis and liblouisreact are licensed under GNU LGPL V2.1


AccesBrailleRAP use pandoc via pypandoc python module, to extract plain text from various file format as word or open office document. So you can open an .odt file, translate it into Braille and emboss.

the original version of pandoc is available here

pandoc is licensed under GNU GPL V2.


AccessBrailleRAP use pywebview to display the react.js GUI embedded in Python backend. Pywebview is a cross-platform wrapper around the webview library. The original version of pywebview is available here

pywebview is licensed under MIT.


AccessBrailleRAP is licensed under GNU GPL V3.


  • Translate text into Braille
  • Translate word document into Braille
  • Emboss Braille on BrailleRAP embosser




If you need the software in your locale language, we will be happy to add a new translation. Translation files are hosted on codeberg community translation platform and can be updated by anyone weblate host on codeberg for more information.

Code and features

Feel free to open issues or pull requests ! We will be happy to review and merge your changes. BTW we have a great focus on accessibility and user friendly design.

Translations status

Translation files are available on codeberg weblate host . Some languages are partialy translated , we are looking for contributors to complete and check them.

État de la traduction

Building on Windows


  • Python 3.6 or later
  • NodeJS 20.12 or later

Create a python virtual environment

python -m venv venv

Activate python virtual environment


Install python dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install nodejs dependencies

npm install

Run in dev environement

npm run startview

Build windows .exe

npm run buildview

check DesktopBrailleRAP.exe in dist folder

Building on Linux


We need several development tools to build AccessBrailleRAP, python, nodejs and gcc to build some python dependencies. Depending on your system, you will also need a desktop environment installed on the build machine.

Python / gcc / nodejs

General build tools:

apt install  cmake build-essential git ninja-build autoconf gnulib
apt install  ca-certificates curl gnupg
apt install  software-properties-common
apt install  python3 python3-venv python3-dev
apt install  pkg-config 
apt install  gir1.2-gtk-3.0 gir1.2-webkit2-4.1
apt install  python3-tk 
apt install  xvfb
apt install  libcairo2 libcairo2-dev libgirepository1.0-dev
apt install  tcl curl


General Nodejs

curl -sL | bash -
apt update
apt install -y nodejs
npm i npm@latest -g

Install AccessBrailleRAP nodejs dependencies

npm install


Create a python3 virtual environment

python3 -m venv venv

Activate python3 virtual environment

source ./venv/bin/activate

Install python3 AccessBrailleRAP dependencies

pip install -r requirement_linux.txt

Build AccessBrailleRAP

Activate python virtual env

source ./venv/bin/activate

Run in development environement

npm run startview

Build AccessBrailleRAP

npm run builddebian

Check the ./dist folder for the AccessBrailleRAP executable

Building for Raspberry PI 4


The packaged binary release has been build on a Raspberry 4 2GO with latest 64 bits Raspberry PI OS (debian bookworm)

Raspberry PI OS come with python, we only need to istall nodejs and some python dependicies. We love to use virtual env on python, but the needed python packages are not available has wheel packages on arm (packages for pip cmd), so we must install the python dependencies in the global system configuration.

build tools

sudo apt install git-extras


sudo apt install python3-gi python3-gi-cairo gir1.2-gtk-3.0 gir1.2-webkit2-4.1
sudo apt install python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qtwebengine python3-pyqt5.qtwebchannel 
sudo apt install libqt5webkit5-dev

Install nodejs

curl -sL | bash -
apt update
apt install -y nodejs
npm i npm@latest -g

Create python environnement

python3 -m venv venv --system-site-packages

install nodejs dependencies

npm i

activate virtualenv

source ./venv/bin/activate

install python dependencies in virtualenv

pip install pywebview
pip install pyserial
pip install pyinstaller
pip install pypandoc

Run in development environement

npm run startview

build AccessBrailleRAP

npm run buildrpi

Check the dist folder for accessbraillerap-rpi executable. You can install the .deb package with :

sudo apt install accessbraillerap-rpi-x.x.x.deb

Building for Linux using Docker

You can use Docker configuration to build AccessBrailleRAP for a Linux distribution.

Docker configuration to build AccessBrailleRAP for Debian or Ubuntu are available here:




Braille transcription software for BrailleRAP. AccessBrailleRAP allow you to input text, translate the text into Braille and 'print' the Braille on a BrailleRAP. This software is compatible with NVDA screen reader.





