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Deployment of using Docker containers


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Deployment of using Docker containers


Start the preparation by cloning the git repo.

git clone
cd blog-deploy

Build blognginx image

Prepare frontend static files

  • Build the static files from blog-frontend repo (e.g. run npm run build) and create a tar.gz bundle. Normally this should done automatically via Travis CI.
  • Get the release number from the 'releases' page , e.g. 'v1.0.0'

This image exposes ports 80 and 443

docker build --build-arg blog_frontend_release=<type_in_the_release_number> -t blognginx nginx

Build blogapi image

See blog-api repo

Tag and push docker images

docker tag blogapi <docker_username>/blogapi:<version>
docker tag blogapi <docker_username>/blogapi:latest
docker push <docker_username>/blogapi:<version>
docker push <docker_username>/blogapi:latest

docker tag blognginx <docker_username>/blognginx:<version>
docker tag blognginx <docker_username>/blognginx:latest
docker push <docker_username>/blognginx:<version>
docker push <docker_username>/blognginx:latest

Deployment for development

Prepare the docker images

On the deveopment machine, the images should be present since normally this is where the images were built. If not, just pull the images.

Prepare dev certs for SSL/HTTPS

Generate a pair of self-signed cert and key ./dev_cert.pem and dev_privkey.pem. They are mapped in dev.yml

# generate a new pair of keys, answer questions accordingly when prompt
openssl req \
       -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout dev_privkey.pem \
       -x509 -days 365 -out dev_cert.pem

Initialize the dev database

Database storage must be initialized before use. A dev database storage is configured at ./postgres/blogdata_dev in dev.yml. Neccessary environment variables are also set in dev.yml and dev-init.yml. Some fake data are generated for testing purpose.

# Create a brand new database
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f dev.yml run db

# Wait for the database initialization and self-restart
# Then Ctrl-C to exit

# Init db table structures and add an admin user
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f dev.yml -f dev-init.yml run blogapi

Run the dev servers

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f dev.yml up

Deployment for production

Pull the docker images

On the production server, download the docker images

# for easier typing, assume root user
sudo -i

docker pull <docker_username>/blogapi
docker pull <docker_username>/blognginx

Pull the deployment code

# for fresh deploy
mkdir /website && cd /website
git clone
cd blog-deploy

# if it is an update deploy
cd /website/blog-deploy
git pull

Prepare the database

Data storage of Postgres image is mapped to postgres/blogdata/, and expects an empty directory. But to keep this directory in Git, a .gitkeep file is created (Git won't remember empty directories). To resolve this issue, delete the .gitkeep file.

rm ./postgres/blogdata/.gitkeep

# or create the dir if not exist
mkdir -p ./postgres/blogdata

When deploy for the first time, there won't be any database or schema. Thus for fresh deployment, the database must be initialized. Environment variables for creating database is specified in .env and docker-compose.yml.

# Create a brand new database, using settings in docker-compose.yml file
export PG_PASS=<choose_and_remember_db_pass>
docker-compose run db

# Wait for the database initialization and self-restart
# Then Ctrl-C to exit

Initialize the schemas and tables of the blog app. Then create a new admin for the blog. This user may well be the only user of the blog app. The commands are composed in init.yml.

# Init db table structures and add an admin user
export SECRET_KEY=<super_secret_key>
export PG_PASS=<db_pass>
export ADMIN_NAME=<your_name>
export ADMIN_EMAIL=<[email protected]>
export ADMIN_KEY=<choose_and_remember_user_pass>
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f prod.yml -f init.yml run blogapi


# with console outputs
export SECRET_KEY=<super_secret_key>
export PG_PASS=<db_pass>
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f prod.yml up

# or in background
export SECRET_KEY=<super_secret_key>
export PG_PASS=<db_pass>
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f prod.yml up -d

Notes on how it works

The configs are in docker-compose.yml, some environment variables are kept in .env which are automatically picked up by docker-compose. The config also servers as a documentation for the setup.

Socket communication of uwsgi and nginx

  • In docker image blogapi, uWSGI runs with a socket file /BlogAPISock/app.sock, file owner is www-data.
  • /BlogAPISock is mounted as a volume named blogapi-sock.
  • The volume blogapi-sock is also mounted when image blognginx runs.
  • In image blogapi-sock, Nginx is configured to run as user www-data, and communicate to /BlogAPISock/app.sock.
                  blognginx            blogapi-sock         blogapi
Incoming     ---------------------     ------------     ----------------
Requests <-> | nginx unix socket | <-> | app.sock | <-> | uWSGI socket |
             ---------------------     ------------     ----------------

Frontend static files

  • The frontend static files are built by npm build in blog-frontend repo.
  • The build will output a dist directory, which is renamed frontend and moved to current directory.
  • The contents in nginx/frontend directory are copied into blognginx image at /var/www when building the image.
  • Relavant configs are in nginx/nginx.conf, also built into blognginx image.


  • Uses postgres Docker image, configured in docker-compose.yml.
  • Database user, password, database name are set in .env, which is automatically loaded when using docker-compose commands.
  • The actual storage of postgres database is mapped to directory ./postgre/blogdata, so that the database won't disappear after container restart.
  • The blogapi is instructed to use this database by environment variable settings in docker-compose.yml.


Deployment of using Docker containers







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