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Vue Pro Sidebar

A responsive sidebar template version of the HTML pro side bar which has a configuration of files structure and Vue ecosystem including Vuex and Vue-router (with code splitting feature) it's developed using Vue-cli 3, it's serves as starter and saves your time when you launch a new project.

Original versions made by Azouaoui Mohamed Check HTML version And Angular version

And React version developed by bRIMOs


Vue Pro Sidebar 1

Vue Pro Sidebar 2


Live Demo

Quick start

Clone the project and go to its root and run

npm install

npm run serve

Navigate to http:


This app doesn't use any CSS framework or assets provider.

Directory structure

 |_@use // it contains composition functions (from composition api plugin)
 |_assets  // it contains images, fonts ...
 |_components // reusable components like buttons, dropdowns ...
 |_directives // where you define your custom directives
 |_layout    // the page layout which contains header,sidebar and main content
 |_routes    // where you define the router and the different navigation routes
 |_store     // it contains the global Vuex store
 |_styles   // it contains the CSS and SCSS files
 |_utils    // where you define the global function helpers
 |_views    // the pages and routes which should be shown in  the main content
 |_app.scss  // it contains common and global style
 |_app.vue   // the root component
 |_main.js  // it defines the vue instance and uses the different plugin 


This code is released under the MIT license.