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A Node.js application to collect tags from OpenStreetMap osm.pbf files into a SQLite3 database.


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This is a simple Node.js application to collect tags from OpenStreetMap osm.pbf files into a SQLite3 database. It extracts all tags from the input files and creates a table in the target database with the following data:

  • All distinct keys present in the tags.
  • For each key, all (if not too many) its distinct values.
  • For each {key, value} pair, numbers of times this pair was found in nodes, ways and relations.

The table is created as:

create table osmtags (
  key text not null,   -- tag's key, e.g. 'amenity'
  value text not null, -- tag's value, e.g. 'fuel'
  n int default 0,     -- number of times 'amenity=fuel' seen in nodes
  w int default 0,     --    same for ways
  r int default 0,     --    same for relations
  primary key(key, value)

Some keys, like name can have too many values, so there is a limit for number of such values. When this limit is reached all {key, value} table rows for such key are coalesced into a single row with value "~". In this case the counts represent numbers of times the key was found in nodes, ways and relations, regardless of its value.

Some keys can have multiple 'subkeys', like addr:street, addr:housenumber, etc. The application allows to coalesce such keys into a single one (addr in this example).


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Run npm install to install the dependencies.


Run the application as:

$ node osmtags.js options path-to-osm.pbf [another-path ...]

where options are:

$ node osmtags.js -h

Extracts all keys and their values from an OSM pbf file into a SQLite database

  -d, --database    Path to the database.                           [required]
  -c, --coalesce    Coalesce keys like name:xx into single name.
  -l, --limit       Represent key with more than l values as single row
                    with value "~".                              [default 256]
  -q, --quiet       Run silently.
  -h, --help        Show this help and exit.
      --version     Show version number and exit.

Positional args: paths to the input files.

Note that:

  • If the target database does not exists it will be created. If the table osmtags does not exists it will be created, otherwise the new data will be merged with existing data.

  • If the -c option is present, all keys like addr and addr:whatever are treated as the same key addr.

  • The -l option sets the limit of stored distinct values for a key to the specified number. The default is 256.

The application is simple and fast. Counting tags in planet-latest.osm.pbf (dated Oct. 2022, 67Gb) took 3 hours 10 min. on my PC (Intel i7-2600 at 3.40GHz, memory DDR3 at 800MHz, SATA SSD).

$ node osmtags.js -d planet-tags.sqlite -c -l 1024 planet-latest.osm.pbf
reading planet-latest.osm.pbf
scanned: 7961992696 nodes, 892558311 ways, 10291367 relations
         778282 items/sec.
no tags in 7761372553 nodes, 14830012 ways, 182 relations
elapsed: 3:09:54.805 (h:mm:ss.mmm)

On my NUC (Intel i0-12900, memory DDR4 at 3200 MHz, NVMe SSD) the process took 1 hour 14 min., 1995181 items/sec.

The resuling database is about 36Mb in size. It's included into the example subdirectory just in case you want to play with it.


To run queries against the database you need the sqlite3 utility. Download the 'sqlite-tools' binaries from and copy the executable files into a directory in your $PATH. To make query results look better, set output mode like this:

$ sqlite3 planet-tags.sqlite
SQLite version 3.40.0 2022-11-16 12:10:08
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .mode col
sqlite> .header on

The application does not trim leading and trailing white space from keys and values. Let's see if there are such:

sqlite> select count(*) from osmtags where key != trim(key);
select count(*) from osmtags where value != trim(value);

OpenStreetMap allows but does not recommend using semicolons as separators for multiple values of the same key. Let's see:

sqlite> select count(*) from osmtags where instr(value, ';') != 0;

Which keys with too many values are most frequenly used?

sqlite> select key, (n+w+r) total from osmtags where value='~' order by total desc limit 10;
key         total
----------  ----------
building    575692021
addr        559712241
source      301573005
highway     229231539
name        111103790
tiger       75717248
natural     55921276
surface     48147704
ref         47618702
landuse     37465609

And what about keys with not too many values?

select key, value, (n+w+r) total from osmtags where value!='~' order by total desc limit 10;
key         value       total
----------  ----------  ----------
power       tower       14762730
wall        no          12164943
power       pole        10497260
lanes       2           9149008
layer       1           6741169
lit         yes         6404340
created_by  JOSM        4855805
lanes       1           4548328
intermitte  yes         4425470
leaf_type   broadleave  4273000

Which tags are used only in ways?

select key,value,w from osmtags where n=0 and r=0 order by w desc limit 10;
key         value       w
----------  ----------  ----------
LINZ        cliff_edge  54373
HFCS        Urban Mino  47301
mapper      mspray11    36623
HFCS        Urban Coll  34776
id_origin   ~           34293
mapper      mspray12    32129
zoning      grass       29480
footway     asphalt     27913
mapper      mspray13    26951
Source      Akros       25816


Of course the taginfo site already has all kinds of statistics about tags in the OpenStreetMap database. I just wanted to have a tool, something small and simple and, most important, easily customizable to my needs. After all, it's about 200 lines of code.


A Node.js application to collect tags from OpenStreetMap osm.pbf files into a SQLite3 database.







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