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Bonita Update Tool

What it does?

This project updates an installed Bonita community instance from one version to another.

Build Update Tool

./gradlew build

Integration tests

These tests need a database to run. They ensure that update database operations are performed correctly.

./gradlew integrationTest

Update tests

These tests involve preloaded data, update and ensure that the Bonita Engine works correctly after update.

For each supported version, the following is performed

  • initialized an empty Bonita database for version n-1
  • run a Bonita Engine in version n-1 and use to it fill data (using filler classes)
  • stop the engine and run the update process to version n
  • run a Bonita Engine in version n and run dedicated tests for this version n (using enginetest classes)

Run all tests

./gradlew allUpdateTests

Test a specific version

./gradlew testUpdate_X_Y_Z

Customize database to use for integration and update tests when running with Gradle

Tests can be run on all supported databases. To select the database type, pass the db.vendor value as System Property to the gradle command. By default the database used is postgres.

Rely on external database

You have to pass several System Properties to the Gradle command as described in the example below. Default values for the properties are set in the DatabaseResourcesConfigurator source file. Some other settings are also available in DockerDatabaseContainerTasksCreator


  • the build will remove the database and user after the tests complete, so all previous data stored in the database are lost
  • if the database and the user does not exist prior to the build start, they will be created so you don't have to manage this by yourself. Only the root user must exist and should be able to connect to the database server
  • the db.url for sqlserver must use the jdbc:sqlserver:https://<host_or_ip>:<port>;database=<db_name>[optional extra parameters] syntax as it is parsed to be able to create the targeted database

Example: run test update 7.6.0 on Sqlserver:

./gradlew testUpdate_7_6_0 \
-Ddb.vendor=sqlserver \
-Ddb.url=jdbc:sqlserver:https://myhost:1433;database=update_db \
-Ddb.root.user=sa \
-Ddb.root.password=StrongPassword \
-Ddb.user=DB_USER_NAME \
-Ddb.password=DB_PASSWORD \

Example: run integration tests on Postgresql:

./gradlew integrationTest \
-Ddb.vendor=postgres \
-Ddb.url=jdbc:postgresql:https://localhost:5432/bonita \
-Ddb.root.user=postgres \
-Ddb.root.password=postgres \
-Ddb.user=bonita \
-Ddb.password=bpm \

Example: run all tests on Oracle:

./gradlew clean integrationTest allUpdateTests --info --stacktrace \
-Ddb.vendor=oracle \
-Ddb.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/ORCLPDB1.localdomain \
-Ddb.root.user="sys as sysdba" \
-Ddb.root.password=oracle \
-Ddb.user=bonita \
-Ddb.password=bpm \

Example: run all tests on Mysql:

./gradlew clean integrationTest allUpdateTests --info --stacktrace \
-Ddb.vendor=mysql \
-Ddb.url=jdbc:mysql:https://localhost:3306/bonita?allowMultiQueries=true \
-Ddb.root.user=root \
-Ddb.root.password=root \
-Ddb.user=bonita \
-Ddb.password=bpm \

Let the build run docker database containers

The build can start the related database container for you. To do so, only pass the db.vendor System Property. If you provide a db.url System Property in addition, the build won't start the database container and will expect you to run an external database.

Example: run all integration and update tests on Oracle:

./gradlew clean integrationTest allUpdateTests -Ddb.vendor=oracle

NB: If the docker image needs to be pulled from some non-dockerhub place (like the example above), you need to specify the registry in your sys-env for the command line to work: export REGISTRY_USERNAME=bonita-ci REGISTRY_TOKEN=<JFrog API key token>

Customize database to use for integration tests in IDE

In that case, you must have a running external database and pass the corresponding System Properties to the test class as this is required when running the Gradle build.


When activating one of the following settings, the process is started suspended and listening on port 5005. Attach a remote debugging system to resume and debug the process

  • use -Dfiller.debug to debug the filler phase of database filler
  • use -Dupdate.debug to debug the update
  • use --debug-jvm to debug the tests
  • use export GRADLE_OPTS="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005" before launching the build in order to debug the build script itself


./gradlew publishToMavenLocal