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Virtual machine based on CHIP-8, with the following improvements:

  • Legacy stuff removed (ETI-660 compatibility, reserved memory for interpreter, and SYS instruction)
  • 16-bit memory addressing, with 64KiB program/data space
  • 64x64 display using a 16 color 16-bit RGB color palette.
  • Improved sound system (maybe?)


The display is a 16 color 64x64 display using a 16-bit RGB color palette, organized like so:

|(0,0)      (64,0)|
|                 |
|                 |
|                 |
|                 |
|                 |
|(0,64)    (64,64)|

Memory map

+-----------------+ 0xFFFF (65535) End of RAM
|                 |
|                 |
|                 |
|                 |
|                 |
| 0x000 to 0xFFFF |
|    ULTRACHIP    |
| Program / Data  |
|     Space       |
|                 |
|                 |
|                 |
+-----------------+ 0x000 (0) Start of RAM


  • V0-VF: General purpose
  • PC: Program counter
  • SP: Stack pointer
  • C: Carry flag
  • TODO Timer and Sound registers

Instruction set

  • 00E0: CLS: clear screen
  • 00EE: RET: return from subroutine
  • 1nnn: JP addr: PC=nnn
  • 2nnn: CALL addr: SP++; S[SP]=PC; PC=nnn
  • 3xkk: SE Vx, byte: Skip next instruction if Vx=kk
  • 4xkk: SNE Vx, byte: Skip next instruction if Vx!=kk
  • 5xy0: SE Vx, Vy: Skip next instruction if Vx=Vy
  • 6xkk: LD Vx, byte: Vx=kk
  • 7xkk: ADD Vx, byte: Vx=Vx+kk
  • 8xy0: LD Vx, Vy: Vx=Vy
  • 8xy1: OR Vx, Vy: Vx=Vx OR Vy
  • 8xy2: AND Vx, Vy: Vx=Vx AND Vy
  • 8xy3: XOR Vx, Vy: Vx=Vx XOR Vy
  • 8xy4: ADD Vx, Vy: Vx=Vx + Vy; If (Vx > 255) C=1, else 0. Store lower 8 bits
  • 8xy5: SUB Vx, Vy: Vx=Vx - Vy; If (Vx > Vy) VF=1, else 0
  • TODO finish






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