gssgitlab is a shell wrapper for Gitlab to provide SSH GSS-API (aka Kerberos) authenticated access to the repositories.
Project is heavily inspired by Kgitlab.
Gitlab uses SSH Pubkey authentication with ForcedCommand to map keys to the corresponding users/identities. With GSS-API/Kerberos authentication no such feature exist, but can be emulated in the shell of the git user. This tool allows Gitlab administrator to generate, register and map to kerberos principals a "dummy" keys, so upon successfull GSS-API logon, gssgitlab (shell for git) can lookup the keyid of the logged in user and spawn appropriate gitlab-shell in the same way the ForcedCommand would normally do.
Gitlab allows Kerberos (SPNEGO) authenticated access to repositories over HTTPS. The SPNEGO support is officialy declared only for EE edition, also works in CE (as of fall 2019), but there are few problems with it.
On Windows workstations with non-domain setup and/or with MIT Kerberos installed, git.exe requires ticket in LSA cache, which can be provided by mit2ms.exe, but given that MS ecosystem can be changed anytime it might cause serious troubles in the future (possibly with the uprise of the Credential Guard and related technologies). Also the method leaves two possibly out-of-sync credential caches in the system.
Kgitlab project adds SSH GSS-API support in a nice way (shell wrapper and realtime configuration service), but there are also issues.
The main issue is that kgitlab requires credential delegation, which allows Gitlab administrator (or an attacker) to steal kerberos tickets and thus identity theft. Also kgitlab lacks test suite and coverage so the patching for non-Ruby developer is uneasy.
- python >= 3.7
- OpenSSH >= 7.5
Clone the repository.
git clone /opt/gssgitlab
Change the GitLab shell user's shell to /opt/gssgitlab/gssgitlabsh
by adding
following to /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
and running gitlab-ctl reconfigure
user['shell'] = "/opt/gssgitlab/gssgitlabsh"
Add following configuration to sshd_config
, so sshd will export
authentication data and enforce same restrictions for git user as gitlab uses
for pubkey authentication.
ExposeAuthInfo yes
Match User git
PasswordAuthentication no
AllowTcpForwarding no
X11Forwarding no
AllowAgentForwarding no
PermitTTY no
Register dummy keys for users and sync configuration for ssh and gssgitlab with the following sequence:
# generate new dummy key
/opt/gssgitlab/ newkey principal@REALM
# register the key to respective user in web ui
# regenerate configuration for ssh and gssgitlab
/opt/gssgitlab/ syncdb
Then, when the user logs in with valid Kerberos credentials, and is listed in the GitLab shell user's .k5login, and has an associated dummy SSH key, they will be put into the GitLab shell for doing all the pulling and pushing that they would be able to do with their normal SSH key. The ability to also authenticate with a normal SSH key is preserved.
Development tools are not required for production usage.
cd /opt/gssgitlab
# ensure git settings on cloud nodes
ln -s ../../extra/ .git/hooks/pre-commit
# create venv for development tools
make venv
. venv/bin/activate
# install requirements and dependencies
make install-deps
# run qa, tests and coverage