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neoFusion: a computational pipeline for gene fusion neoantigen prediction and immunogenic potential assessment

Fusion, which is an important class of somatic mutations, is an ideal source of tumor-derived neoantigens for creating an open reading frame. Given RNAseq sequencing data as input, neoFusion predict and evaluate the immunogenic potential of gene fusion based neoantigen. neoFusion is the first pipeline for predicting and prioritizing fusion neoantigen. Detailed information please refer to citation.


The Landscape of Tumor Fusion Neoantigens: A Pan-Cancer Analysis, iScience, 2019.


Required software:

Python2 package



 neoFusion support two mode, denovo and midway. In midway mode, user do not need download reference. In denovo mode,
 please download reference as depicted:  
 The version of STAR-Fusion in our docker is 1.4.0, for compatibility, 
 download GRCh38 reference from (
 please refer to STAR-Fusion for more detail.    
 All the other needed materials can be found at data directory   


Install via Docker, highly recommended

Docker image of neoFusion is available at
if you have docker installed, you can pull the image like so:

docker pull bm2lab/neofusion

Install from source, not recommended

To install neoFusion, you just need download and all the described dependencies.


if install from docker:

docker run -it bm2lab/neofusion
python /usr/local/ -h   

if install from source:

please edit the software path in to the right path in your environment.  

Two mode are provided, denovo and midway. In denovo mode, you should provide fastq files.

python denovo --left 1.fq  --right 2.fq  --hla  HLA-A02:01  --genome STAR_Fusion/GRCh38/ctat/

In midway mode, just provide fusion proteins in fa format.

python midway --fusion example_protein.fa --hla HLA-A02:01     


The output file "neoscore.txt" contains all putative neoantigens information.

Column Description
HLA HLA type
mismatch mismatch between mtpep and wtpep
MTpep fusion derived candidiate neopeptide
MTpep_score predicted score of mtpep output by netMHCpan
MTpep_aff predicted binding affinity of mtpep output by netMHCpan
MTpep_rank predicted binding affinity percent rank of mtpep output by netMHCpan
MTpep_comb Combined score of binding affinity, proteasomal C terminal cleavage, and TAP transport efficiency
WTpep pepmatch_db_x86_64 extracted normal peptide
WTpep_score predicted score of wtpep output by netMHCpan
WTpep_aff predicted binding affinity of wtpep output by netMHCpan
WTpep_rank predicted binding affinity percent rank of wtpep output by netMHCpan
WTpep_comb Combined score of binding affinity, proteasomal C terminal cleavage, and TAP transport efficiency
Hydro_Model peptide immunogenic potential based on amino acid hydrophobicity
R T cell recognition probability
Score Immunogenicity score of neoantigens


Zhiting Wei
[email protected]

Qi Liu
[email protected]

Biological and Medical Big data Mining Lab
Tongji University
Shanghai, China.

neoFusion flowchart