A graph concurrent library for C++ that allows you to build a computational graph with an efficient interface and a small memory footprint. Requires a C++14 compliant compiler. Tested with Clang, GCC, and Visual Studio.
Sample usage:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <gcl.h>
int main() {
gcl::MetaData meta; // To collect graph metadata. Completely optional.
auto t1 = gcl::task([]{ return 42.0; }).md(meta, "parent1");
auto t2 = gcl::task([]{ return 13.3; }).md(meta, "parent2");
auto t3 = gcl::tie(t1, t2).then([](auto t1, auto t2){
return *t1.get() + *t2.get(); }).md(meta, "child");
gcl::Async async{4};
t3.schedule_all(async); // Running the tasks using 4 threads
std::cout << *t3.get() << std::endl; // 55.3
std::ofstream{"example.dot"} << gcl::to_dot(t3.edges(), meta); // output in dot notation
The resulting graph looks like this:
A bubble represents a task and each arrow is an edge between two tasks. The first line within a bubble is the unique task ID, followed by the task name, and finally the task instance number.