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All-in-one blogging engine powered by Ktor and Angular.


Blogify uses Ktor on the backend and Angular on the frontend.

It uses PostgreSQL as a database, and Typesense for search.


Due to the current age of the project, performance and optimization are not a significant focus.

Currently, our own (very basic) testing shows that the server can handle upwards of 3,000 requests/sec. after warm-up on a listing endpoint.

Building and deploying

The default deploy configuration runs the backend, the database and typesense search engine as docker-compose services. A functioning, local, test deployment can be achieved by running the blogifyDeploy gradle task. You need to provide the configuration for database and typesense using db.yaml and ts.yaml files respectively placed in the root of the project. *.yaml.example files have been provided for your guidance.

Contributors past & present

  • Benjamin Dupont
  • Muhammad Hamza
  • Lucy Agamaite
  • Stan Lyakhov
  • Seamus Donnellan


This project is in an early alpha stage.

Any versions indicated in the startup message starting with PRX or starting with v0.* are not safe to use, not tested and are not guaranteed to retain data safely.


We accept all pull requests :)