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BlockAppJS is an open-source client-side pure JavaScript framework that empowers you create complex, dynamic, and leading-edge web-based application.
BlockAppJS is like other JavaScript based client-side MVC framework, significantly differs in that BlockAppJS is Module/Block oriented.
Creating an application become more easy with BlockAppJS. Your main task is to make pairs of a view template file and a JavaScript file. The pair is called a "Block".
The applicaiton making in Module/Block oriented way guides you extricate from the VAR-OBJECT-HELL situation. Each blocks are independent because they are coded in respective files. Block files are loaded automatically by XMLHttpRequest, and their namespaces are carefully controlled so that you never pollute the global namespace - except you export variables to the global scope.
- Template engine : EJS
Currently, BlockAppJS uses EJS as a template engine. Minified version of EJS JavaScript is included in this repository.
Requires modern browsers.
Tested manually on:
- Firefox 7, 8
- Chrome 14
- Safari 5
- Opera 11.50
- IE 9
- v0.0.1 / 2011-10-31
- Initial commit.
Copyright (C) 2011 Kulikala.