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Notes taken while studying for the Oracle Certified Java SE 7 Exam II (1ZO-804).

###Notes: #####Adding Strings and primitive types: "Ten" +10+10+10 turns into "Ten101010" due to the fact that "Ten" + 10 evaluates to a String variable "Ten10", which results in "Ten10"+10 also evaluating to a String variable etc. #####Method overriding: You can only provide a less restrictive or same-access modifier when overriding a method. #####Defining enum elements: Enum elements need to be defined first before any other attribute in an enum class. ###Code: To practice class design I am implementing a generic Tree with the purpose to cover:

  • Interfaces
  • Inheritance
  • Basic OO class design


Chapter 5

###Notes: No notes here. ###Code:

  • Implemented an example of the factory design pattern.
  • Implemented an example of a DOA design pattern.

Chapter 6

###Notes: Generics where introduces in Java to ensure type safety.

Bounded wildcards, <? extends X>, makes sure that every type ? must extend X. This works with super as well,<? super X>, where ? is a super class of X. It is possible to specify multiple base types <? super X & Y>.

It is not possible to have generic extension classes.

The static method Array.binarySearch(Object []) must be called on an already sorted array to get the desired results.


  • Implemented a navigableMap example.

Chapter 7

###Notes: To escape characters in regular expressions append \ but to escape characters in printf() statements use %.

###Code: No code.

Chapter 8

###Notes: No notes.

###Code: Added code that writes to text files and code that serializes objects to binary files.

Chapter 9

###Notes: No notes.

###Code: No code.

Chapter 10

###Notes: Column indexes in a SQL databases starts with 1 and not 0.

###Code: Added code for weather database connection. Execution of OS processes and retrieve output.


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