Tags: blackmady/short
* [contrib] added @pwmckenna * [minor] format * Merge pull request edwardhotchkiss#22 from pwmckenna/patch-1 * Update short.js
* Merge pull request edwardhotchkiss#20 from lbj96347/master * [fix]fix hits feature * Merge pull request edwardhotchkiss#19 from bitdeli-chef/master * Add a Bitdeli badge to README
* [dist] release 2.0.0 * Merge branch develop * [promises] use node-promises my my I hate callbacks * Merge branch promises into develop * [refactor] node-promise full integration and detailed sha1 hahs refactor * [promises] dont use callbacks * [docs] update for new api * [rewrite] * [model] cleanup * [license] updated YYYY * [travis, hasher] updated travis for just 0.8.x, added short-id using a genuine sha1 sum for a short url
* [dist] version bump * [test] updated mongoose and reflected within tests * [package] reference makefile in scripts * [Makefile] use Makefile "make test" (who does not love bash?) ALONG WITH "npm test" * [deps] update mongoose and vows to latest * [node] bump version * [minor] code cleanup and segmentation
* [docs] add latest contributors [@cbrammer, @lynchseattle] to README * [deps] bunp mongoose to latest * [docs] stylize * [dictatorship] dont <= node engine version, prep for 0.8.x * [syntax] i prefer **/ over */ now, corrected * [gitignore] added * [email] have author match address in contributors, thanks @isaacs * [node] test for 0.4.0
* [deps] bump mongoose to 2.5.13 * [package] updated contributors * Merge pull request edwardhotchkiss#17 from lynchseattle/master * Support for nodejs 0.6.11 * Added support for passing in custom data in the options when creating a new URL. This will store any meta-information on that URL that you might want to track. A possible use for this would be an ecommerce store with a shortened URL, but you might want to track that this URL was generated for a specific micro-site or even a specific customer.
* [comments] * [merge] fix conflicts, remove statics * Merge branch ifit-master * [merge] fix conflicts * Create Connection Option * [docs] rebuilt * [comments] update style for docs * [deps] bump mongoose version to 2.5.10 * [engine] prep for 0.8.0, req 0.6.12+