This program requests the RSS feed from
Checks the "Last-Modified" header and records that in the feed.db
Then checks what entries have been saved in the db and/or posted to hipchat already.
- get the RSS feed (include the optional modifed since flag)
- for each entry check if link is in DB
- check if in db
- if in db and not posted
- post to hipchat and update posted status
- if in db and not posted
- if not in db at all
- insert into db, post it and update posted status
- check if in db
- Make sure you have sqlite3 installed
- sqlite3 feed.db < schema.sql
crontab -e
This job will run every Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 9am:
00 9 * * 1,3,5 python /path/to/file/ special-hipchat-url
- Add try/except/finally blocks to database interactions
- Refactor where useful
- Think of more things!