A way to implement navigator 2.0 without using an external package.
how to use ?
1 - copy routes folder in your project.
2 - Pass goRoute from MyRouterDelegate file and routeInformationParser from MyRouteInformationParser() file to your MaterialApp.router in main.dart:
return MaterialApp.router(
title: 'Books App',
routerDelegate: goRoute,
routeInformationParser: routeInformationParser,
3 - Fill your routes in my_route_app.dart and be care to keep "homePath", "pageNotFoundPath" and "paramChar", they're used in information_parser and router_delegate. Each widget associated to a path don't have to take arguments in its constructor you'll retrieve them in a different way.
4 - To reach a route you just have to use this syntax:
goRoute(MyRouteData(homePath, params: {'id': book.id}))
this will call the call method in my_router_delegate.dart, params is optional.
5 - To retrieve your params:
var approute = goRoute.currentConfiguration;
Book? book = getBookById(approute!.params['id']!);
currentConfigaturation return MyRouteData that hold the current path and its params.
'id' must be the same name defined in myRouteMap (my_routes_app.dart).
that's all.
You can find a detailed explanation here:
to remove the # from url:
add this dependency in your pubspec.yaml file -> url_strategy: ^0.2.0
before runApp(MyApp()) inside the main add setPathUrlStrategy(); and don't forget to import it
import 'package:url_strategy/url_strategy.dart';
!!! WARNING !!!
If your app have 2 routes like bookDetailsPath and userRepo (my_routes_app.dart)
be care of "book" keyword because if someone has book as name it will result in unintended behavior
he will be redirect to /book/:id instead of /:user/:repo.