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A framework for declaring live values that can depend on one another

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Lively is a library that makes it easy to define values and relationships between them.

A concrete example can help here. At a glance, Lively code looks something like this:

    val lively = Lively()

    val w = lively.source(640)
    val h = lively.source(480)

    // `area` automatically updates if `w` or `h` change
    val area = lively.observing { w.get() * h.get() }

    // Callback triggered if `w` or `h` change
    lively.sideEffect { screen.repaint(Color.BLACK, w.get(), h.get()) }

There are three core concepts demonstrated above:

Source values: lively.source(...) creates a value that doesn't depend on any other values. They are created with an initial value but can be set with new values later.

w and h are source integers.

Observing values: lively.observing { ... } creates a value which depends on one or more other live values. They cannot be set directly but always derive their values from the observing block.

area is an observing integer, whose value will automatically be updated whenever w, h, or both change.

Although it's not demonstrated above, observing values can depend on other observing values, in a chain.

Note: If an observing block doesn't actually query any other live values, then the result won't ever change over time, and it might as well not be a live value.

Side effects: lively.sideEffect { ... } is similar to the observing method, but it doesn't produce a new live value. This is a useful place to handle external side effects that should occur as a result of one or more live values changing.

Defining relationships

Earlier, we claimed that Lively allows us to define relationships. We'll dive into that more in this section.

Imagine you had an editable User class, something created with some initial values but that can further be modified:

class User {
    var firstName: String
    var lastName: String
    var nickname: String?
    var age: Int
    var country: Country

Other parts of your codebase might want to declare new values that are built on top of them. For example:

val fullName = "${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}"
val displayName = user.nickname ?: fullName
val isDrinkingAge = ( == Country.US && user.age >= 21)

We'd also like these to update whenever any dependent User values change.

A common solution in many codebases is to add listeners:

class ListenableUser {
    val onFirstNameChanged: List<() -> Unit>
    var firstName: String

    val onLastNameChanged: List<() -> Unit>
    var lastName: String

val user = ListenableUser()
var fullName = "${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}"
user.onFirstNameChanged += { fullName = "${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}" }
user.onLastNameChanged += { fullName = "${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}" }

val displayName = user.nickname ?: fullName
user.onNicknameChanged += { displayName = user.nickname ?: fullName }
user.onFirstNameChanged += { displayName = user.nickname ?: fullName }
user.onLastNameChanged += { displayName = user.nickname ?: fullName }

It works, and there's a lot of UI code out in the wild that looks like this! But there's so much boilerplate -- it's easy to make a copy/paste mistake, and if requirements change and you ever need to update the logic, it can be easy to miss a location (especially if the initialization code and update code aren't in the same place). Listeners also make it easy to accidentally introduce memory leaks, so you also have to be careful!

Live fields

With Lively, handling all this is quite a bit easier. To get started, simply upgrade your primitive types to Live types. Our User class almost looks the same:

class User {
    val firstName: Live<String>
    val lastName: Live<String>
    val nickname: Live<String?>
    val age: Live<Int>
    val country: Live<Country>

Next, let's work on the code that wants to depend on these User fields.

Here, we instantiate a Lively instance (more on this in the next section), and then we simply create some observing live values:

    val user = User()
    val lively = Lively()

    val fullName = lively.observing { "${user.firstName.get()} ${user.lastName.get()}"}
    val displayName = lively.observing { user.nickname.get() ?: fullName.get() }

Done! That's it.

As a bonus, your code won't waste time firing unnecessary updates. For example, if you edit both first and last names in the same frame, fullName will only be updated once. Also, if nickname is set, then no matter how often you change fullName, the displayName observing block will not get triggered.

Creating a Lively instance

One might ask, "Why do we even need to create a Lively instance? Why can't we just create Live values directly?"

The short answer is that a Lively instance encapsulates access to an underlying dependency graph (which, as a user, you'll never interact with directly). It also helps with memory management, as we'll see shortly.

A Lively instance does not represent the whole graph but just a subset of it. In this way, it's easy to allow independent parts of your codebase to create, manage, and reason about their own local group of live values without worrying about the global picture.

A common pattern can help demonstrate this. When writing UIs, you benefit a lot by separating the view and data layers:

// In a "data" module
class CharacterData {
  private val lively = Lively()
  val name = lively.sourceString()
  val hp = lively.sourceInt()
  val stats = lively.source(Stats())

// In a "view" module, which depends on "data"
class CharacterViewer(data: CharacterData) {
  private val lively = Lively()
  val nameLabel = lively.observing { }
  val hpLabel = lively.observing { data.hp.get().toString() }

  val strengthLabel = lively.observing { data.stats.get().strength }
  val dexterityLabel = lively.observing { data.stats.get().dexterity }

Note that each class in the above scenario created their own Lively instances. This is especially useful because the lifetime of CharacterViewer will often be much shorter than the lifetime of the CharacterData class. Presumably CharacterViewer will get garbage collected first, and at that time, so will all of its live values.

Note: You can also more aggressively indicate you are finished with live values without waiting for the garbage collector to run. We'll discuss this more in the section on freezing.

If we were using a traditional listener model here, we might accidentally leak CharacterViewer because it's easy to register listeners against CharacterData fields that could keep the viewer's this reference alive.

And finally, recall that Lively exposes the concept of side effects. By having users get used to using a Lively instance to create and manage Live values, it becomes an intuitive location to create and manage side effects as well.

Lively executor

Lively doesn't work right out of the box -- it needs to be initialized. What's missing is an executor it uses to run graph updates on.

If you want to skip this section for now, you can just set Lively up with an immediate executor, even if you don't really understand what that means. For those interested, I'll explain more in the rest of this section.

fun main() {
  Lively.executor = RunImmediatelyExecutor()
  // You can now use Lively safely from this point on

or, if you're writing a Swing application, Lively provides a SwingExecutor you can use:

fun main() {
  SwingUtilities.invokeLater {
    Lively.executor = SwingExecutor()
    // You can now create your Swing app which uses Lively

If you don't initialize an executor, then when you try to interact with Lively, it will throw an exception with a descriptive error message (that will hopefully get some users to read this section).

So, what the heck is this all about?

Lively works best if it can delay doing some operations. This allows it to collapse redundant requests, which can matter if those requests end up running expensive logic. It also helps it avoid triggering unnecessary updates.

Take the following code for example, which performs a file save automatically if any values change:

// This example is somewhat contrived but hopefully illustrates the point

class Config {
  private val lively = Lively()

  val resolution = lively.source(Resolution.ULTRA_HIGH)
  val vsyncEnabled = lively.source(true)
  val shadowsEnabled = lively.source(true)
  // ... and many more

  lively.sideEffect {
    File("config.txt").printWriter().use { out ->
      // ... and many more

Say that you, in a single frame, change 20 config values all at once. You would only want that to cause a single file write, not 20 separate calls that tear down and build up the file each time. By specifying an executor that waits until the end of a frame to run, Lively will be able to collapse all 20 changes into one.

In other words, given the following dependency graph:

A <--┐
B <--┼-- D
C <--┘

# Note: 'D' can be another live value or a side effect

then, if we change A, then B, then C in a single frame, we'd get the following behaviors based on the executor we used:

Run immediately executor:
A' -> D'
B' -> D''
C' -> D'''

Run later executor:
A' -> postponed
B' -> postponed
C' -> postponed
// sometime later...
(A', B', C') -> D'

Note: Some might ask, why not just initialize Lively with a RunImmediatelyExecutor and let the user update it to something more efficient only if they want to? This is a decision I might revisit later, but at the moment, I'm worried about the discoverability of this feature, so I'm triggering a "fail fast" path for now, ensuring users can make an intentional decision here.

For additional information about executors, see the "Custom executor demo" section at the end of this document.

getSnapshot vs get

Live#get represents the concept of querying a Live's value over time. In earlier examples, we already demonstrated calling get, but we'll repeat those again here for your convenience:

val area = lively.observing { w.get() * h.get() }
lively.sideEffect { screen.repaint(Color.BLACK, w.get(), h.get()) }

Live also has a getSnapshot method, which just returns its current value without any regard to future changes.

val source = lively.source(123)
val snapshot = source.getSnapshot()
source.set(456)          // Even though we updated `source`...
assert (snapshot == 123) // `snapshot` won't ever get updated

Why have both methods? Why would you ever call getSnapshot when you could just call get instead?

The answer is that get is only available inside an observing block (it's a context-sensitive extension method):

val source = lively.source(123)
// val doubled = source.get() * 2 <-- Compile error!! `get` doesn't exist here
val doubled = lively.observing { source.get() * 2 } // This is OK
val doubledSnapshot = source.getSnapshot() * 2      // Also OK (but doesn't update over time)

The purpose of this API is to make it easy to express your intention, whether you are interested in observing a live value over time or just for a moment in time.

Note: get is actually the magic sauce that allows Lively to dynamically update its dependencies behind the scenes as values change - all calls to get are recorded each time an observing block is run.

The different names are also hopefully easy to read at a glance. For example, this code would compile, but it's hoped that it wouldn't pass code review:

val liveInt = lively.source(123)
val doubled = lively.observing { liveInt.getSnapshot() * 2}
//               get() was intended here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

assert (doubled.getSnapshot() == 456) // `doubled` is initialized correctly, but...
liveInt.set(10)                       // it won't get updated after the source value changes

In short, with live values, you almost always want to call get, but getSnapshot is useful when you need to query a Live instance outside of an observing context.

Freezing values

Live instances can be frozen anytime, which is a way of indicating that, at this point onward, you expect its value to never change again. If you freeze a source live and then call set, it will throw an exception.

Although live values will be garbage collected eventually if you remove all references to them, freezing is still recommended when possible, because

  1. it allows your code to fail fast if some code path tries to update a Live unexpectedly later.
  2. it can result in immediate releasing of dependent resources.

For this second point, imagine you have the following dependency chain:

"<--" means "depends on"

A <-- B <-- C <-- D

Here, if you change A, then D may also change, so the graph needs to keep track of all intermediate relationships. But if you freeze A, then the graph realizes B has no dependencies, so it also gets frozen, all the way up the chain. In other words, freezing A locks down the whole chain, allowing many nodes to be removed from the graph automatically.

In addition to freezing one Live at a time, Lively instances also provide a freeze method that freezes all the live values that were created by it.

class SomeUiDialog {
  private val lively = Lively()
  private val label1 = lively.create()
  private val label2 = lively.create()
  // ... and many more ...
  private val label9 = lively.create()

  fun dispose() {
    // Freeze label1 through label9 all at once
    // Freezing isn't strictly necessary, but it's a recommended practice when possible

Live mutability

Most of the time, a creator of a live value will only want to expose it to external callers with an immutable API. To accomplish this with Lively, you should be aware of the various ways to expose a live value.

  • Live<T>: A common choice. This API is the most restrictive. Provides get and getSnapshot, and does not allow freeze.
  • SourceLive<T>: Returned by Lively#source. This is a super mutable API. Provides both set and freeze capabilities in addition to getters.
  • ObservingLive<T>: Returned by Lively#observing. Indicates this value is intermediate, completely dependent on other live values. Provides freeze in addition to getters.
  • FreezableLive<T>: Same immutable API as Live<T> but allows calls to freeze. It's not expected that most users will need to use this.

Note that the API for ObservingLive and FreezableLive are identical (at least at the time of writing this), but FreezableLive can be a useful way to collect both SourceLive and ObservingLive instances into a single collection, as they both implement the interface.

A data class might look something like the following, if all modifications to live values can happen inside the class so only immutable APIs can be exposed:

class User {
  private val lively = Lively()

  private val _firstName = lively.sourceString()
  val firstName: Live<String> get() = _firstName

  private val _lastName = lively.sourceString()
  val firstName: Live<String> get() = _lastName

  private val _fullName = lively.observing { "${firstName.get()} ${lastName.get()}" }
  val fullName: Live<String> get() = _fullName

  fun randomizeName() {

Another useful pattern is to create an immutable interface and mutable implementation, allowing some parts of your codebase write-access to your live values and others only read-access:

interface ImmutableUser {
  val firstName: Live<String>
  val lastName: Live<String>

class User : ImmutableUser {
  private val lively = Lively()

  // Types here are `SourceLive<String>`, not `Live<String>`!
  override val firstName = lively.sourceString()
  override val lastName = lively.sourceString()

  fun randomizeName() {

fun createUser(firstName: String, lastName: String): ImmutableUser {
    return User().apply {

Thread (un)safety

Lively is not thread safe. It is expected that all live value interactions happen on the same thread, and an exception will be thrown if there is ever an attempt to mutate a live value from a different thread.

Note: getSnapshot can be called from any thread, although the value you get may be stale.

That being said, it is possible to create Lively graphs on separate threads, as long as each graph is contained within and only modified on its own thread.

As a technical note, when you call Lively() for the first time on a thread, it creates a backing graph automatically on that thread using a ThreadLocal. Subsequent Lively() invocations will share the same graph.


In normal use of the Lively library, you can do almost everything with just Lively#source, Lively#observing, and Lively#sideEffect. However, for a handful of edge-cases, the Live class also exposes two listeners:

  • onValueChanged: Fired immediately whenever the live value is updated.
  • onFroze: Fired immediately after the live value was frozen.

It should be rare to need to use either of these listeners, but they might be useful occasionally, such as for debugging a dependency tangle where some value is getting updated and you're not sure why.

Listeners also enable two-way bindings, which is discussed in the next subsection.

If you use listeners, be careful, as they enable you to add infinite, cyclical relationships normally impossible without them:

fun `impossible to add cycles without listeners`() {
    val liveInt1 = lively.source(123)
    val liveInt2 = lively.observing { liveInt1.get() }
    val liveInt3 = lively.observing { liveInt2.get() }

    // No way to get liveInt1 to retroactively depend on liveInt3!
    liveInt1.set(234) // liveInt3 --> 234, this is fine

fun `possible to add cycles using listeners`() {
    val liveInt1 = lively.source(123)
    val liveInt2 = lively.observing { liveInt1.get() }
    val liveInt3 = lively.observing { liveInt2.get() }

    val liveInt3.onValueChanged += { liveInt1.set(liveInt3.getSnapshot() + 111) }

    // Uh oh....
    // liveInt3 --> 234, calls liveInt1.set(345)
    // liveInt3 --> 345, calls liveInt1.set(456)
    // liveInt3 --> 456, ...

Two-way bindings (same types)

Although most live value relationships are one-way (that is, one value depends on one or more other values which don't depend on it back), very occasionally it is useful to specify a two-way relationship.

For example, imagine you have a SourceLive<String> which represents a user's name, and a UI text input which is backed by a SourceLive<String> itself.

Note: The swing module, discussed briefly in the "Swing demo" section, shows one possible way that a codebase might convert a text input into a SourceLive<String>.

You want to initialize the text entry with the user's name, but after that, any changes to the text input should be reflected back into the name. The Live#bindTo method is provided for this purpose:

class User {
  val name: SourceLive<String>

val nameInput: SourceLive<String> = ...

// Later, to release the binding, freeze one of the values

In the above code snipped, nameInput will be initially set to whatever the user's name is, and after that, changing either value will affect the other.

It's important to state that bindTo does not use the normal dependency graph, but rather bypasses it, hooking up listeners between the two live values. Calling bindTo between more than two live values may result in unpredictable behavior.

Two-way bindings (different types)

You won't always have the luxury of binding two live values of the same type together. For example, let's tweak the above scenario a bit -- instead of binding some text input to a user's name, we want to bind a text input to a user's weight.

If the user types a valid decimal value into the text input, the weight value should stay in sync, but if they type an invalid value (e.g. "1.234.567", or "123abc"), the weight value should just keep its last good state.

There's a second version of Live#bindTo for this purpose, which additionally takes two conversion methods, to convert to and from the different types. These conversion methods are allowed to return null, and if either do, the values are de-synced.

class User {
  val weight: SourceLive<Float>

val weightInput: SourceLive<String> = ...
    { strValue -> strValue.toFloatOrNull() },
    { floatValue -> floatValue.toString() })

// Later...


Swing demo

A common use-case for a library like Lively is binding data models to UI views.

To showcase what such code could like, this project includes both swing and swing.demo modules.

The swing module demonstrates how to wrap Swing properties with Live values (for example, representing the JCheckBox#isSelected state as a Live<Boolean>). Take a look at JCheckBox.kt and the extension method Lively.wrapSelected(checkBox: JCheckBox): SourceLive<Boolean> it defines.

The swing.demo module presents isolated UI scenarios that highlight how to accomplish various goals using Lively.

Custom executor demo

If you aren't building on top of an existing framework that has support for taking over a thread with its own event poller, then you'll have to create your own executor logic from scratch. This demo serves the purpose of showing a very simple executor implementation that you might base a more complex executor upon.

If you want to support batching multiple Lively updates in your own codebase, what you would need to do is collect all actions into some list along with some relevant moment (e.g. some update method) where you run through and execute all of them at the same time.

Special thanks

I owe so much of this library to sxenos. The implementation here is mine, but the idea and initial demonstration of this concept was his. I've learned a lot from him, even in the relatively short time we knew each other.


A framework for declaring live values that can depend on one another






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