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Payment Gateway

A payment gateway to buy assets on a Substrate blockchain paying by ERC20 tokens like USDT, and credit/debit cards. It's currently configured to accept payment by USDT on Polygon Ethereum Network. The solution can enable additional stable coins and different networks with a minor update of the server module adding new contract addresses and chain id.
The payment by credit card use as card gateway.
The user interface reflect the designs of Bitgreen, you can customised or use as example to integrate in your current UI.

Here how it works:

Payment Setup Workflow

Card Payment Workflow

Crypto Payment Workflow



  • 1 server or virtual machine with 16 GB of ram and 10 GB disk for the operating system and the application.
  • 1 virtual machine for each validator (for security reasons), for testing you can use the same server.

Operating Sytem:

  • Linux Debian or Ubuntu with shell/bash access.
  • Other Linux distribution will work with minimum changes to the installation steps.

Software Packages:

  • Postgresql Server.
  • Nodejs > 20.x.
  • git.


The following instructions have been tested for Linux Debian 11.

  1. Install the Git and Postgres:
apt-get -y install git postgresql-all
  1. Install nodejs version > 20.x following the instruction at the official web site

  2. clone this project with:

cd /usr/src/
git client
  1. You should install the the dependencies with:
cd /usr/src/payment-gateway
npm install
  1. Create a database named paymentgateway and the user with the same name:
su postgres
create database paymentgateway;
CREATE ROLE paymentgateway
PASSWORD '_set_your_password_here';
  1. create the database schema
psql paymentgateway -f schema.sql
  1. Customise *.sh
  • use you preferred text editor to edit the files with suffix .sh. Follows the in-line instruction to set all the required parameters.
  1. Configure an NGINX reverse proxy for https connection pointing to https://localhost:3000

Running the Payment Gateway:

To run the main server


in a different shell:


repeat the process for each validator.

in a new shell:


add to the crontab the following command to be executed every 2 minutes:

crontab -e
# add the followin line:
*/2 * * * * /usr/src/payment-gateway/payment-validator-delayed.js
# and save

add to the crontab the following command to be executed every day or often as you wish):

crontab -e
# add the followin line:
15 0 * * * /usr/src/payment-gateway/payment-gateway-settlement.js
# and save

You should configure a domain name or a sub-domain to point to your server, for example: You can get a free TLS certificate from

You should configure an NGINX reverse proxy to connect by https, in the file: reverse-proxy-example.nginx.
You have a good example that could be copied to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default and changed for your cerficates:

limit_conn_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=limitconnbyaddr:20m;
limit_conn_status 429;
server {
	limit_conn   limitconnbyaddr  512;
        location / {
          proxy_pass https://localhost:3000;
          proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
          proxy_set_header Host $host;
          proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
          proxy_http_version 1.1;
          proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
          proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
        location /webhook {
          proxy_pass https://localhost:4242;
          proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
          proxy_set_header Host $host;
          proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
          proxy_http_version 1.1;
          proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
          proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
        listen [::]:443 ssl ipv6only=on;
        listen 443 ssl;
        ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot
        ssl_session_cache shared:cache_nginx_SSL:1m;
        ssl_session_timeout 1440m;

        ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
        ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;


        ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem; # managed by Certbot

Running the Validator Server

The validators server listen for payment on the blockchain and submit the approval to the Bitgreen Parachain.
For security, we should have >1 validator running from differnet machine and looking to different nodes for each network.
You can run the validator settings certain variables like in the example

# the endpoint supporting web socket protocol wss:https://, we use to listen to the blockhain events, replace with the correct
# endpoint for the the blockchain involved
export BLOCKCHAIN="wss:"
# blockchain id, for etheruem is 1 for example, 11155111 is for Sepolia Testnet Ethereum
export BLOCKCHAINCODE=11155111
# the RPC endpoint of your substrate chain
export SUBSTRATECHAIN="wss:"
# the address of the ERC20 token to validate
export TOKENADDRESS="0xef632af93FF9cEDc7c40069861b67c13b31aeb8E"
# the wallet that should received the payment of the the token above
export WALLETADDRESS="0x78A4C8624Ba26dD5fEC90a8Dc9B75B4E3D630035";
# the mnemonic seed of the validator, for example
export MNEMONIC="house leave often price skate embody unlock cave thumb ancient letter amount"
# number of confirmation blocks before to consider valid the payment
# the minimum number of validations required to confirm the payment, it should be as configured in the substrate chain
# the ABI for the ERC20, you can change the path eventually
export ABI="/usr/src/payment-gateway/ABI-USDT.json"
# the user enabled to read/write te database paymentgateway
export PGUSER='_place_here_your_username'
# the user password
export PGPASSWORD='_place_here_the_user_password'
# the hostname or ip address where the postgres database is reachable, works for postgres in the same machine
export PGHOST=''
# the database name, you can keep the same or change it
export PGDATABASE='paymentgateway'

The validator requires access to the database to find the orderid for the confirmation. The connection to the database should be configured over VPN tunnel for security reasons.

Payment Gateway Use

The gateway can be called redirecting to the following url:

where the parameters are the following:

  • p = currency, actually supported USDT and USDC. Payment by card are done in USD.
  • a = amount to pay in the selected currency.
  • r = reference id or better the order id from dex of. You can pass multiple orderid separatig them by comma, for example r=12,13,14,15 (max 256 bytes)
  • d = description, is the description of what you are paying for.
  • rp = url to show once the payment is done. Mandatory field required for card payments.
  • rnp = url to show in case of dropping the payment. Mandatory field required for card payments.
  • o = origin address that should match the order id (reference id), it's requested for security to avoid injection.
  • v = "modal" for modal view, defaul is full view.
    Optionally, the details of the products in purchase can be shown with the following parameter:
dp=[{"id":"001","desc":"product 001","qnt":1,"price":100.00,"currency":"USDT"},{"id":"002","desc":"product 002","qnt":2,"price":150.00,"currency":"USDT"}]

Payment Status

You can get the payment status calling the endpoint:

where referenceid is the reference id passed in the payment request.
You will get an answer in json like the following one:


The status can have the following values:

  • pending
  • validating
  • failed
  • completed

Where "pending" means that we are waiting for the payment, "validating" is that the payment has been received but not yet fully validated, "failed" means that a payment attempt has failed and "completed" means that the payment has been done and accepted.

Gateway Status

You can check the payment gateway status by calling the following endpoint:

You will get an answer as follows:


or in case of something not working:


Encrypted Configuration

For enhanced security, you can the configuration completely encrypted on disk. To configuration ahs to be prepare in json files:

  • payment-gateway.env.json
  • payment-validator.env.json
  • payment-gateway-webhook.env.json See the examples in this repo for the format. Encrypt the configuration using the following commands:
node encrypte-file.js filename

for example:

node encrypte-file.js payment-gateway.env.json

Please insert a strong password and at the confirmation, a new encrypted file ".enc. will be created.
The file shall be "exported" as ENCRYPTEDCONF, for example:

export ENCRYPTEDCONF="payment-gateway.env.json.enc"
node /usr/src/payment-gateway/payment-gateway.js

the same procedure is applicable to the following services:

  • payment-gateway.js
  • payment-gateway-webhook-server.js
  • payment-validator.js


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