A github desktop style title bar component for electron.
A React environment for cross platform desktop apps
The swiss army knife of lossless video/audio editing
Fastify typescript boilerplate with Prisma
Insipired by aws-serverless-express to work with Fastify with inject functionality.
Implement GraphQL servers and gateways with Fastify
This project is a small but feature complete application build with Fastify and Svelte, and it aims to show all the core concepts of Fastify, best practices, and recommendations.
An easy way to start a front-end project.
Lightweight update server for Electron apps
Electron + Vite + React + Sass boilerplate.
A curated list of awesome resources for Electronic Engineers and hobbyists
🥳 Really simple Electron + Vite + Vue boilerplate.
Official OSX, Windows, and Linux Desktop Clients for Rocket.Chat
Jitsi Meet desktop application powered by
Useful resources for creating apps with Electron
Official electron build of
💬 A better WeChat on macOS and Linux. Built with Electron by Zhongyi Tong.
Awesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material!
全互联网网课资源,包括 慕课网,腾讯课程,开课吧,传智播客,极客学院,极客时间,拉钩教育,黑马,尚硅谷,达内,尚学堂,博学谷,得到,马士兵,网易云课堂,柠檬班,网易微专业,奈学,咕泡,图灵,掌控,拓新,博学谷,博为峰,千峰......
📘 OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation