Dhaka, Bangladesh
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5+ years experienced Software Engineer with expertise in Java and Spring Framework. Highly motivated and strong team player with great technical knowledge. Experienced in developing high performance and highly available microservices while following best development practises. Devops enthusiast and promoter.
Kona Software Lab Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh
Engineer Level 2 (Mar. 2016 – Present)
- Designed, Developed and Deployed systems containing multiple microservices with Spring Boot, Oracle DB, MySql and MongoDB on AWS and Bare Metal Servers
- Promoted CI/CD and built the CI/CD pipeline for a whole system with 20+ microservices
- Analyzed System Performance and improved code to achieve consistent 200 financial transactions per second
- Performed Successful DB Migration to upgrade system and database architecture with thousands of users and 10+ databases
- Collaborated with clients to develop features and deliver releases on time
- Trained and Mentored new recruits and developed them to become reliable resources for the organization
Expert: Java, SQL, Spring Framework, Spring Boot, JPA, Git, Docker, Jenkins, Oracle DB, Redis, MicroService
Advanced: JavaScript, Python, Shell Scripting, ReactJS, Spring Batch, Hibernate, MyBatis, Gradle, MySQL, MariaDb, AWS
EC2, ECS & ELB, Jira, Confluence, RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, Pandas
Familiar: HTML, CSS, Scala, PHP, C, C++, Spring Cloud, ELK Stack, Kubernetes, MongoDB, Postgres, Machine Learning,
Deep Learning, Hadoop, Hive, Impala, Apache Spark, Numpy
Great At: Debugging, Analysing Problems and finding solutions, Teamwork Good At: Designing solutions, Adapting to new environment and culture, Respecting different opinions
Kona Card - konacard.co.kr
Kona card is a Financial Payment System with hundreds of thousands of users and thousands of merchants.
- Built a notification system to send notifications to millions of users with Spring Boot, Oracle DB, APN and FCM
- Implemented systems to connect external payment system to Kona Card system with Spring Boot and Oracle DB
Tech Stack: Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Oracle DB, Redis, RabbitMQ
Video Streaming Service - Veaver - veaver.com
Veaver is a video based knowledge sharing service for businesses to train employees with video lectures, quiz, short and long questions.
- Redesigned and developed Veaver Video Streaming Service to make it a more efficient and cost effective cloud system reducing the cost over 45% on AWS with Spring Boot, MySQL and ReactJS
- Built an ETL tool with Spring Batch to successfully migrate data to newly designed system from old system
Tech Stack: Spring Framework, Spring Boot, ReactJS, MySQL, MongoDB
Laototo Lottery System
Lottery Game System for Laos Citizens in collaboration of Laos Government with 5/45 lottery game.
- Implemented CI/CD pipeline with Jenkins for this Laototo Lottery System which saved development time by 20%
- Trained non front end developers on ReactJS and lead them to assist front end developers to meet deadline
- Ran stress test and optimized components and kafka to achieve best performance in production
Tech Stack: Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, ReactJS, Oracle DB, Redis, MariaDB, Apache Kafka
Digital Financial System - Nagad - nagad.com.bd
Nagad is a Digital Financial Service of Bangladesh Post Office with tens of millions of users and hundreds of thousands daily transactions.
- Developed a system to store millions of users account balance, apply debit or credit operations and calculate fee and commissions for financial transactions
Tech Stack: Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Angular, Oracle DB, Redis, RabbitMQ
Campaign Management and Recommendation System - CPMS
CPMS is a system built to create and manage campaigns to recommend coupons to users based on their past purchases.
- Developed and deployed multiple microservices using flask and spring boot to manage campaigns and recommend coupons using ML techniques, recommendation systems and big data technologies
Tech Stack: Spring Boot, ReactJS, Flask, Scikit Learn, Autokeras, Pandas
Bangladesh University on Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh
B. Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering (Mar. 2011 – Mar. 2016)
CGPA: 3.68 / 4.00
Reading, Trying out new techs both hard and soft, Distro Hopping