Pixlogix infotech pvt. ltd.
- Ahmedbad
- in/bharat-dangar-54b769b
- https://codepen.io/bharatdangar
- https://dribbble.com/bharatdangar
- @bharatdangar
Ce projet rassemble mes expérimentations frontend. Il contient des essais d'animations, des expériences avec WebGL, des essais d'api et bien d'autres choses encore.
Easily add animated transitions between pages using Next.js App Router and your favorite animation library.
🍕 A loose collection of cool r3f links, gifs, people, stuff
🔋 Batteries included template for using React Three Fiber (R3F) with NextJS
Images go whoa with lots of floaty dots
This is an example of a Rive file working as a texture in ThreeJS
A collection of shader examples in SparkAR's shader language (SparkSL)
We combine intensive technology with design expertise.
A library for creating Scrollytelling animations, powered by React & GSAP.
Toolset for creating animated React components built on Theatre.js and Framer Motion.
minimal nuxt3 starter for creative projects, includes scss setup, gsap, lenis scroll, a native webgl setting (Cursor.vue), a three.js setting (Cube.vue) and a component to load html images into thr…
a collection of shader effects that are actually useful in real world client projects
Set of experiments and extensions to THREE.js.
Code examples for my course on Dynamic Animation and Physics with Javascript
3d carousel implemented in vanilla TypeScript with no external libs. All regular DOM, no canvas.
A React Three Fiber + Framer Motion + CSS Scroll Snapping experiment, based on a design by Kevin Pham.
Some simple examples of WebGL shaders
👽 MVC design pattern and render pipeline