Table of Contents
- Create Project Composer Command
- To do a modified install
- Configure Apache2
- Virtual Hosts Configuration
- Enable the Virtual Host and Rewrite Module
- Restart Apache2 Server
- Edit hosts file
- Creating MySQL User
- Creating Empty Database
- Importing Existing Database
- Exporting Database
- Install Drupal with the standard profile
- Export the current configuration outside of the webroot
- Setting up Drush Aliases
- Adding Pre-Commit Hook
- Additional Reference
composer create-project drupal/recommended-project d8cards
If you want to modify some of the properties of the downloaded composer.json before composer install
is executed, use the --no-install
flag when running composer create-project
. For example, it is possible that you want to rename the subdirectory 'web' to something else.
To do that:
Run composer create-project --no-install drupal/recommended-project d8cards Change directories to d8cards and edit the composer.json file to suit your needs. For example, to change the sub-directory from 'web' to something else, the keys to modify are the 'extra' sub-keys 'webroot' and 'installer-paths'. Run composer install to download Drupal 8 and all its dependencies.
- Add development modules always to Composer with
, for example:
composer require --dev drupal/devel
- Check for available Drupal core and module updates:
composer outdated drupal/*
- All of your modules and themes can be updated along with Drupal core via:
composer update
- To update only Drupal core without any modules or themes, use:
composer update drupal/core-recommended --with-dependencies
sudo subl /etc/apache2/sites-available/d8cards.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /var/www/d8cards/web
ServerName d8cards.local
ServerAlias www.d8cards.local *.d8cards.local
<Directory /var/www/d8cards/web>
Options +FollowSymlinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
sudo a2ensite d8cards.conf
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo systemctl restart apache2.service
sudo subl /etc/hosts
Add the below line the host file local.d8cards.local
Then open your browser and browse to the server domain name. You should see Drupal page at https://local.d8cards.local
CREATE USER 'drupal'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'drupal'@'localhost';
sudo mysql -u drupal -p
create database d8cards_local;
drush @site.alias sql-drop -y; drush @site.alias sql-cli < db-backups/[your-filename].sql
Or, if you have a GZIP:
gunzip -c file_name.sql.gz | drush @site.alias sqlc
drush @site.alias sqlq --file=db.sql.gz
Note that –file
supports both compressed and uncompressed files.
drush sql-dump --gzip --result-file=db-backups/[your-filename].sql
drush si standard --site-name='Site Name' --account-name=admin --account-pass=YourPass --account-mail='[email protected]' --sites-subdir=LocalDir --locale=en --db-url=mysql:https://[db_user]:[db_pass]@[ip-address]/[db_name]
for example :
drush si standard --site-name='D8cards Local' --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin --account-mail='[email protected]' --sites-subdir=local --locale=en --db-url=mysql:https://drupal:drupal@localhost/d8cards_local
- Change the location of the configuration sync directory.
sudo subl web/sites/default/settings.php
- Change the last line to:
$settings['config_sync_directory'] = '../config/local';
$settings['file_public_path'] = 'sites/local/files/public'; $settings['file_private_path'] = 'sites/local/files/private'; $settings['file_temp_path'] = 'sites/local/files/tmp';
Create a directory named drush
outside webroot
In drush/sites
folder create a file named
- For example in file add the below code
uri: local.d8cards.local
- Export the current configuration to create an initial set of YAML files.
drush @site.alias cex
- Run Code Sniffer automatically on each changed file before a commit.
Refer the link for pre-commit snippet
This pre-commit hook is designed to be used for Drupal 7 and 8 sites.
Download the pre-commit file. Save it as .git/hooks/pre-commit
in your git repo. You need to ensure that the file is executable.
If you want this to be added to all new projects automatically, add it to your git init templates.
To install and PHP CodeSniffer for Drupal, please read the official documentation.
To see this working checking out this short YouTube video.
- You can skip executing the pre-commit script by using:
git commit --no-verify
- File created using