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Passworx is a Password Manager application, which stores your passwords safely in your own phones locale storage. For now it has following functionalities and features:

  • Adding Passwords 👽
  • Editing password Details
  • Generating and copying new password to use it anywhere you want 🕵️‍♂️
  • Moving items to Trash 🗑️, accessing them in trash until deleted permanently
  • All-time favorite Dark Mode 🌑
  • Search functionality, to find passwords Rapidly 🚀
  • Master password, to make passwords accessible only by the User
  • Adding passwords to Favorites ⭐️
  • Fingerprint authentication, to make users vault more secure 🔒
  • Autofill Service, which helps users fill data in various apps

Passworx has a lot of upcoming features and functionalities, which involves:

  • Checking passwords Health 🧑‍⚕️

More info coming soon 🚀 🤘