This is my personal website where I put my reading, writing, and so on. It's fully open source, built with Typescript and Next.js.
- make the about page
- Reading List
- Redo reading list with table, show dates
- put in this component
- Blog
- Add breadcrumbs to blog
- Code Blocks
- add copy button to code blocks:
- Global
- Add OG images
- Weekly Update Page
- make a page like this for my weekly updates
- put them all in markdown (copy and paste directly to mdx)
- use resend to send emails of the rendered post, along with a link to the post
- a place to sign up, and testimonials?
- make a page like this for my weekly updates
- Quotes component
- add an animated list with my favorite quotes (number them, in the corner, and have a search). regular big table where people can see all of them
- make this really aesthetic
- ask for help
- Do a quote card grid (infinite??)
- add an animated list with my favorite quotes (number them, in the corner, and have a search). regular big table where people can see all of them
- Resources
- expose my KB resources to a table
- expose my curriculum to a table
- expose my web design resources to a table