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Testing GH App for the Checks API

How to run

Get a webhook URL

Use smee to get a webhook URL that you can use for testing. Follow the directions on the site to install the smee CLI locally if you haven't already.

Create a GitHub App

Follow these steps to create a GitHub App. Use the URL generated from smee as the webhook URL. Save the changes and make sure to create a private key. Save this file somewhere you'll remember!

Set up local environment

Clone this repo locally. Copy the .envconfig file and name it .env. For APP_GITHUB_APP_INTEGRATION_ID, you'll use the App ID listed in the about information of your app on GitHub. For APP_GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY, you'll use the contents of that pem file that you created earlier (replace the newlines with \n and wrap the key with quotes).

Run the app locally

Run make build && make run.

Run smee -u <SMEE_URL> -t http:

Make sure the app is installed to a repo of your choosing. Now you are set up!

Adding an event handler

In cmd/server/handlers.go, add a struct that implements the githubapp.EventHandler interface with your desired event. Initialize the handler in the initHandlers function in main.go.


Testing GH App for the Checks API






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