Abstraction your words——never mind the scandal and liber
Dify is an open-source LLM app development platform. Dify's intuitive interface combines AI workflow, RAG pipeline, agent capabilities, model management, observability features and more, letting yo…
🔥 Turn entire websites into LLM-ready markdown or structured data. Scrape, crawl and extract with a single API.
Official code for "F5-TTS: A Fairytaler that Fakes Fluent and Faithful Speech with Flow Matching"
分享一些好用的 Dify DSL 工作流程,自用、学习两相宜。 Sharing some Dify workflows.
多平台容器镜像代理服务,支持 Docker Hub, GitHub, Google, k8s, Quay, Microsoft 等镜像仓库.
FastAPI-Amis-Admin is a high-performance, efficient and easily extensible FastAPI admin framework. Inspired by django-admin, and has as many powerful functions as django-admin.
💡 Use Docker Compose to deploy Xiaoya services in a more elegant way, supports one-click deployment of Alist + Emby + Jellyfin, full-platform support, Linux/Windows/Mac/Synology, X86/Arm architecture
A Windows/macOS/Linux GUI based on Clash
⛷ Cross-platform note-taking software, public layout editor, using MDX ⛷ 跨平台笔记软件,公众号排版编辑器,使用MDX来排版
Use PEFT or Full-parameter to finetune 400+ LLMs or 100+ MLLMs. (LLM: Qwen2.5, Llama3.2, GLM4, Internlm2.5, Yi1.5, Mistral, Baichuan2, DeepSeek, Gemma2, ...; MLLM: Qwen2-VL, Qwen2-Audio, Llama3.2-V…
Unified Efficient Fine-Tuning of 100+ LLMs (ACL 2024)
A utility for fetching large files in chunks with support for parallel downloads and progress tracking.
微信机器人底层框架,可接入Gemini、ChatGPT、ChatGLM、讯飞星火、Tigerbot等大模型。WeChat Robot Hook.
一个基于✨HOOK机制的微信机器人,支持🌱安全新闻定时推送【FreeBuf,先知,安全客,奇安信攻防社区】,👯Kfc文案,⚡备案查询,⚡手机号归属地查询,⚡WHOIS信息查询,🎉星座查询,⚡天气查询,🌱摸鱼日历,⚡微步威胁情报查询, 🐛美女视频,⚡美女图片,👯帮助菜单。📫 支持积分功能,⚡支持自动拉人,⚡检测广告,🌱自动群发,👯Ai回复,😄自定义程度丰富,小白也可轻松上手!
Convert PDF to markdown quickly with high accuracy
Official release of InternLM2.5 base and chat models. 1M context support
快图设计-基于fabric.js和Vue的开源图片编辑器,可自定义字体、素材、设计模板。fabric.js and Vue based image editor, can customize fonts, materials, design templates.
A large-scale 7B pretraining language model developed by BaiChuan-Inc.
A dynamic, scalable AI chatbot built with Django REST framework, supporting custom training from PDFs, documents, websites, and YouTube videos. Leveraging OpenAI's GPT-3.5, Pinecone, FAISS, and Cel…
Simple visual programming environment for jupyterlab
a mind mapping library built by javascript
The repository provides code for running inference with the SegmentAnything Model (SAM), links for downloading the trained model checkpoints, and example notebooks that show how to use the model.