$env:FLASK_ENV = ["development" | "production" | "testing"]
flask run
set environment variables:
$env:FLASK_ENV =
Modules (sensors) -> IoT Edge Runtime (local remote server) -> IoT Hub (Cloud) <- User access
On edge: run on terminal/powershell as admin
- turns on and connect to the virtual machine which runs the runtime
sudo iotedge list
- get list of iot modules connected
sudo iotedge logs <ModuleName> -f
- gets logs of messages received from iot module named
- exits the vm
az iot hub device-identity connection-string show --device-id <EdgeName> --hub-name <HubName>
- shows connection string for provisioning
Provision-EflowVm -provisioningType ManualConnectionString -devConnString <STRING>
- provision with connection string
az group create --name IoTEdgeResources --location southeastasia
- creates azure resource group
az iot hub create --resource-group IoTEdgeResources --name <HubName> --sku F1 --parition-count 2
- creates the iot hub with respect to resource group
- each subscription can only have one free hub (change SKU to S1)
- Install PostgreSQL
- Create password for superuser for your local computer
- Setup Environment Variables
- Go to computer environment variables
- Edit
- New paths and add the following paths
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\bin
andC:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\lib
- or wherever the local file is stored on your device
- Run Powershell with adminitrator
- input
psql postgres postgres
- prompted for password (from during installation)
- will be logged in as user postgres
- input
- Disable 3rd party antivirus and use native firewall settings
- add inbound rule to enable tcp on port 5432
list of all users\l
list all databases\c <db_name>
switch to another database\dt
list all database tables\d <table_name>
see table structure\q
quit psqlpsql -d <db_name> -U <username> -W
connect to db on the same hostpsql -h <hostname> -p <port> -U <username> -d <database> -W
connect to db on different host- username:
for superuser - database:
- port:
default port - hostname: ip address of remote server
: prompts for password
- username:
URI Connection string: postgresql//<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<database>