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Static site generator for AMP with Twig templates and a lot of config options.


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Create AMP Page

Fast development of fast pages.

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Static site generator built with gulp tasks, using Twig templates, optimized for building AMP pages - but not limited to AMP.

Support for Sass, CSS optimizing, CSS into head injection, media file compressing, automatic resizing of images by srcset, endless copy tasks, Twig global and optional per-page data with JSON and/or frontmatter, browsersync with custom static server middlewares, AMP Optimizer or HTML Minifier (for non-AMP), remove unused CSS (currently only for inline CSS). Different ways to define pages, can be connected with e.g. netlify cms.

🚀 Checkout the starter template repositories!

Quick Start

1. Create a project folder, init your project with npm init

2. Create a Gulpfile.js and paste the following content in it. For all options and docs see the AmpCreatorOptions typing.

import path from 'path'
import gulp from 'gulp'
import {ampCreator, getPageInfo} from 'create-amp-page'
// since `1.0.0-beta.0` the amp-optimizer is a peer-dep (you need to install it additionally!)
// makes only sense if you want AMP-valid HTML
import AmpOptimizer from '@ampproject/toolbox-optimizer'

const port = 4488

 * @type {PagesUrlsMap}
const urls = {
    example: {
        local: {base: 'https://localhost:' + port + '/default/'},
        prod: {base: ''},

const pages = {
    example: {
        paths: {
            styles: 'src/styles',
            stylesInject: 'main.css',
            style: 'main.scss',
            html: 'src/html',
            dist: 'build',
            distStyles: 'styles',
const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'

const tasks = ampCreator({
    port: port,
    dist: 'build',
    srcMedia: 'src/media',
    distMedia: 'media',
    pages: pages,
    collections: [{
        fm: (file) => 'src/data/' + path.basename(file).slice(0, '.twig'.length * -1) + '.md',
        tpl: 'src/html/pages/*.twig',
        base: '',
        pageId: 'example',
    }, {
        fm: 'src/data/blog/*.md',
        tpl: 'src/html/blog.twig',
        base: 'blog',
        pageId: 'example',
    // when `ampEnabled: true` use the `ampOptimizer` for HTML minification and more
    ampOptimizer: !isDev ? AmpOptimizer.create({}) : undefined,
    // when `ampEnabled: false` use `minifyHtml` for HTML minification and more
    // minifyHtml: false,
    cleanInlineCSS: !isDev,
    cleanInlineCSSWhitelist: ['#anc-*'],
    // for css injection of non-AMP pages:
    // cssInjectTag: '<style>',
    twig: {
        data: {ampEnabled: true},
        fmMap: (data, files) => {
            const pageId = files.pageId
            const {
                pagePath, pageBase,
            } = getPageInfo(files, urls, pageId, isDev ? 'local' : 'prod')
            const pageData = pages[pageId]
            return {
                pageId: pageId,
                styleSheets: [
                head: {
                    title: data.attributes.title,
                    description: data.attributes.description,
                    lang: data.attributes.lang,
                links: {
                    canonical: pageBase + pagePath,
                    origin: pageBase,
                    cdn: isDev ? 'https://localhost:' + port + '/' : pageBase,
                content: data.body,
        logicLoader: async () => {
            return {}
    prettyUrlExtensions: ['html'],

Object.keys(tasks).forEach(taskName => gulp.task(taskName, tasks[taskName]))

3. Add those scripts into package.json, the project must be type=module:

    "type": "module",
    "scripts": {
        "tasks": "gulp --tasks",
        "start": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development gulp watch",
        "build": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production gulp build",
        "clean": "gulp clean"

4. Create a postcss.config.js with:

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
            preset: ['default', {
                discardComments: {
                    removeAll: true,

5. Add your src folders & files, minimum for this config: src/styles/main.scss, src/html/pages/index.twig, src/data/ and src/media/.gitkeep

6. Install this SSR: npm i --save create-amp-page

7. Run npm start and happy coding!

Starter Templates

Checkout the starter repos:

  • bemit/create-amp-page-starter
    • ready configured for static AMP valid pages
    • includes a simple twig template
  • ⚛️ bemit/create-page-starter
    • ready configured for static pages, non-AMP pages
    • with babel/webpack build process
      • support for typescript/react configured
    • service worker example integrated
    • includes a simple twig template

Page generations

Two integrated ways of page generation:

  1. One page per template file
  2. One page per content file, for multiple content-files one template

Since 1.0.0-alpha.8 both page generations are configured by collections:

const options = {
    collections: [
            // create one page per `twig` file, `fm` needs to return the relative path to the frontmatter file (or `undefined` fo no-fm`
            fm: (file) => 'example/data/' + path.basename(file).slice(0, '.twig'.length * -1) + '.md',
            tpl: 'example/html/pages/*.twig',
            base: '',
            pageId: 'example',
            // create one page per `fm` file, one `tpl` is used for all pages
            fm: 'example/data/blog/*.md',
            tpl: 'example/html/blog.twig',
            base: 'blog',
            pageId: 'example',

Twig Functions


Get metadata and sizing for image, caches the read-result for each execution, purging cache on each watch trigger of html.

  • params:
    • src is the relative path to media folder incl. media folder
    • srcset is an array of objects, define in which image sizes the image should be resized
      • w = width in pixels, internally it calculates the other value proportional
  • returns:
    • src path to file
    • width of file
    • height of file
    • hash sha1 hash of file content

getImage Twig Example

Template using getImage(src, srcset) to fetch metadata and resize images when needed:

{% set image = getImage(src, srcset) %}
    src="{{ image.src ~ '?key=' ~ (image.hash|slice(0,12)) }}"
    width="{{ image.width }}"
    height="{{ image.height }}"
    {# generate srcset with same syntax like `getImage` #}
    srcset="{% for set in srcset %}{{ addImageSuffix(image.src, '_'~set.w~'w') ~ '?key=' ~ (image.hash|slice(0,12))~' '~set.w~'w' }}{% if loop.index < (srcset|length) %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}"
    sizes="{{ sizes }}"

Embed then in file, pixels at srcset:

{% embed 'image.twig' with {
    src: '/media/img-01.png',
    alt: 'A blog hero image',
    classes: 'flex',
    srcset: [
        {w: '320'},
        {w: '680'},
        {w: '920'}
    sizes: '(max-width: 320px) 320px, (max-width: 600px) 680px',
} %}
{% endembed %}

Generates HTML like:

        width="1280" height="421"
        srcset="/media/img-01_320w.png?key=2l8ybbe1tjSP 320w, /media/img-01_680w.png?key=2l8ybbe1tjSP 680w, /media/img-01_920w.png?key=2l8ybbe1tjSP 920w"
        sizes="(max-width: 320px) 320px, (max-width: 600px) 680px"


Add an image suffix between name and extension:

{{ addImageSuffix(image.src, '_suffix') }}


To embed e.g. css or js files directly in build template, uses the src relative to configured dist:

{{ embedScript('js/main.js') }}


This project is free software distributed under the MIT License.


© 2022 Michael Becker


See github release notes for updates, especially incompatibilities, for features check the current AmpCreatorOptions typing.

This project adheres to semver.


By committing your code/creating a pull request to this repository you agree to release the code under the MIT License attached to the repository.