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A Prometheus / OpenMetrics exporter for Gitlab CI/CD

This exporter is made to help to improve GitlabCI pipelines performance

It`s only using Gitlab webhooks and do not contact Gitlab API to avoid rate limiting issues

table of content


environment variable default value possible values description
GITLAB_CICD_EXPORTER_GITLAB_TOKEN any string the token set to Gitlab webhooks
GITLAB_CICD_EXPORTER_LOG_LEVEL info (debug|info|warning|error) gitlab-cicd-exporter log level

metrics list

metric name type description
gitlab_cicd_pipelines_started_count counter the count of pipelines started
gitlab_cicd_pipelines_duration_seconds histogram pipelines duration in seconds
gitlab_cicd_jobs_duration_seconds histogram jobs duration in seconds

how to use

There is a two part setup to use gitlab-cicd-exporter

  • run gitlab-cicd-exporter

  • setup Gitlab to send webhooks to your gitlab-cicd-exporter instance

run gitlab-cicd-exporter

First of all you need to generate a token which will be used to secure incoming Gitlab Webhooks (openssl rand -base64 24 can be useful 😉)

Save this token for later use

All metrics are available under the /metrics endpoint

Docker (recommended)


This will start gitlab-cicd-exporter and make it listen on port 8080

You can visualize metrics with curl -s http:https://localhost:8080/metrics

You can use ngrok if you want to expose gitlab-cicd-exporter to Gitlab (ngrok http 8080)

from source code

  1. clone the repository

  2. run a make build to generate a gitlab-cicd-exporter binary

  3. export the configuration environment variables you want (at least the GITLAB_CICD_EXPORTER_GITLAB_TOKEN variable with the previously generated token)

  4. run the binary gitlab-cicd-exporter: it will start the server on port 8080

You can visualize metrics with curl -s http:https://localhost:8080/metrics

You can use ngrok if you want to expose gitlab-cicd-exporter to Gitlab (ngrok http 8080)

Helm chart


Gitlab setup

A webhook has to be setup on Gitlab side

It can be done at a group or a project level

  • project level: only project pipelines metrics will be exported

  • group level: all projects under the group will have their metrics exported

  1. Go to Settings>Webhooks for your group/project

  2. Create a new Webhook

    URL: URL targeting your gitlab-cicd-exporter instance and add /webhook and the end


    Secret token: the token generated previously

    Trigger: select the Pipeline events checkbox

    Then click on Add webhook

Next time pipeline is trigerred, gitlab-cicd-exporter will receive a webhook