A simple, convenient task manager that is similar to luigi framework but less blown up. It allows easy exceution and scheduling of tasks locally and remotelty.
from ginny import DownloadTask, run
result = run(DownloadTask(
ginny --task ginny.DownloadTask url "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/harrypotter/images/e/e9/Ginny-HQ-ginevra-ginny-weasley.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20150228082608&path-prefix=de" destination "image.jpg"
# run every 5 minutes
ginny --task ginny.DownloadTask --every 'minute' --count 5 url "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/harrypotter/images/e/e9/Ginny-HQ-ginevra-ginny-weasley.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20150228082608&path-prefix=de" destination "image.jpg"
# EVERY DAY at 0:00
ginny --task ginny.DownloadTask --every 'day' --at "00:00" url "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/harrypotter/images/e/e9/Ginny-HQ-ginevra-ginny-weasley.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20150228082608&path-prefix=de" destination "image.jpg"
from ginny import run, Task
class MyTask(Task):
def __init__(self, url: str):
self.url = url
def depends(self):
# return tasks or targets that this task depends on
# return LocalTarget("/tmp/data.json")
# return [LocalTarget("/tmp/data.json"), LocalTarget("/tmp/data2.json")]
return [LocalTarget("/tmp/data.json"), DownloadTask(self.url, "/tmp/data2.json")]
def run(self):
target, download_task = self.depends()
data1 = target.read_json()
data2 = download_task.target().read_json()
with self.target().open("w") as writer:
def target(self):
# define a target if the task should not be executed every time / has output data
return LocalTarget("/tmp/target.json")
# run the task (results of all tasks that will be executed are returned in results)
task = MyTask(url=...)
# delelte results of tasks
task.delete(recursive=False) # set recursive=True, to also delete results of subtasks
results = run(task)
from ginny import BashTask, S3DownloadTask, DownloadTask, S3UploadTask, Task, SSHCommandTask, DepTask, TempDownloadTask, run
r = run(BashTask(['ls', '-lha']))
# execute single task remotely
results = BashTask(['ls', '-lha']).remote('host', 'ubuntu', pem=None, executable='/home/ubuntu/venv/bin/python')
python setup.py clean
pip install .
- run complete pipelines remotely
- add gpu support for running remotely
- limit resoures to run tasks
- use logging