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Bath Hack Website 2024

This is the monorepo for the 2024 Bath Hack Website, written in Rust (using Wasm on the frontend).


To work on this repo, make sure you have a stable Rustup toolchain installed. You'll also need Trunk to work on the frontend.

For the backend, you'll need a local instance of PostgreSQL and Redis.

If you have Podman (or Docker), you can easily start these:

podman run -d --name postgres -p 54320:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=bhw
podman run -d --name redis -p 63790:6379

Warning: do not use these commands for production containers; these are insecure configurations. Make sure to use real passwords and persistent storage for Postgres (preferably also for Redis).

Copy .env.example to be .env and make sure all the variables have sensible values.

Then, cd into packages/frontend and run:

trunk serve

This command will start up a live-reloading server for the frontend.

In a new/parallel terminal, cd into the project root and run:

cargo run -p bhw-backend --no-default-features

This last command will run the migrations on your database and then start up the backend server (this doesn't live-reload).


Frontend Yew macros can be tricky for Rust's built-in rustfmt to handle. Instead, we use yew-fmt, which is a drop-in replacement that handles Yew code nicely.


This can be done in a couple of ways. If you're using Kubernetes, see the k8s directory for a kustomize-compatible configuration. You'll need to set some secrets manually, so make sure to look through the files before deploying them.


The frontend landing page has a lot of images, and we serve these in the efficient webp format at the smallest reasonable scale.

You can easily generate these images (in packages/frontend/img) using the mogrify CLI (part of ImageMagick):

mogrify -format webp -resize 400 packages/frontend/img/*.JPG


Project created by Pal Kerecsenyi.

Licensed under GNU GPL 3.0 (see

For future BCSS committees: feel free to use, modify, or discard this project however you'd like. If you need any help, email [email protected] or [email protected].