Designed specifically for projects not originally built with dark mode in mind, these Sass mixins provide a lightweight and efficient way to implement this important UX feature.
With these powerful Sass mixins, you can seamlessly add light and dark mode functionality without major code changes.
It's time to embrace better accessibility, and upgrade your users' experience!
.button {
@include theme(
$background-color: ( // property
white, // light theme
black, // dark theme
@include theme(
$color: (
@include theme(
$border-color: (
// @param {string} $property : color, bg-color, fill, bg-img, border-color, box-shadow
@mixin cssProperty($property) {
$property-value: var(--#{$property});
// Define shortcuts for long properties such as `background-color` and `background-image`.
@if $property == 'bg-color' {
background-color: $property-value;
} @else if $property == 'bg-img' {
background-image: url($property-value);
} @else {
// Set other properties normally.
#{$property}: $property-value;
// Mixin to define theme-specific CSS variables
// @param {list} $properties-list :
@mixin theme($properties-list...) {
// Process the list of property-color pairs.
$properties: meta.keywords($properties-list);
@each $property, $color in $properties {
$color1: list.nth($color, 1);
$color2: list.nth($color, 2);
// Define CSS custom property for light theme at root scope.
@at-root #{selector.nest(':root .theme--light', &)} {
--#{$property}: #{$color1};
// Define CSS custom property for dark theme at root scope.
@at-root #{selector.nest(':root .theme--dark', &)} {
--#{$property}: #{$color2};
@include cssProperty($property);
This Sass dark mode project was originally developed and used within the Kwiziq project, an AI language learning platform. Kwiziq prioritizes accessibility and a user-friendly experience for all, and adding light and dark mode was a natural step in achieving that goal. We believe this project can be beneficial to other projects as well, making them more accessible and adaptable to user preferences.