we should be able to type vagrant up and our app will be running and reachable on http port 80 at
**** using gunicorn which is listening in the daemon mode on port 80 . IP is configured in the vagrant file.
The provisioner should clone this github repo into the VM under /webapps/devops
**** Ansible playbook has a task to perform this task
You should be able to find what system packages are needed by looking through the app
**** Used the requirements.txt file provided to install the required modules
You should not need to change the app code in any way
**** Did not change the app code used it as is
The app should be running as a non-privileged user
**** Used the ubuntu user avaialable by default to run the service
The app should be automatically restarted if crashes or if killed
**** gunicorn running in daemon mode restarts worker processes if killed , Monit is monitoring the gunicorn wrapper service called webapp
The app should maximize all of the available CPUs (have Vagrant virtualize multiple CPUs)
**** gunicorn is configured to run worker proceses equal to VCPU's avaialable on the system
The related logs should be rotated
**** Used logrotate.d to rotate access and std out logs created by gunicorn daemon which is running app.py
Timezone should be in UTC
**** Ansible playbook has a task to perform this task