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Track time with annotated pauses, notes, and git commits. It is meant to run in a git directory but can run without it. When running in a git directory, commits are automatically added to the time sheet. trk will generate a html report.

A trk timesheet is a sequence of sessions, which contain events in the order they were added. A timesheet is created by trk init. A session can start with trk begin and ends with trk end. Pauses can be handled in a running session by trk pause and trk resume. Notes can be added by trk note <note>. For status output, say trk status {sheet|session}. To open the html report in the default browser: trk report {sheet|session}. trk help will list all possible commands.

An example:

10:00 $> trk init # do this once
Init successful.

10:00 $> trk begin

10:01 $> trk note 'blablabla'

10:11 $> trk pause

10:12 $> trk note "coffee" # automatically added as note on the pause

10:15 $> trk resume

18:00 $> trk end

  "end": 1491549156,
  "sessions": [
      "end": 1491549238,
      "events": [
          "Note": {
            "text": "blablabla",
            "time": 1491549186
          "Pause": {
            "note": "coffee",
            "time": 1491549190
          "Resume": {
            "time": 1491549212
      "running": false,
      "start": 1491549174
  "start": 1491549157,
  "user": "Rafael Bachmann"

Turns into something like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
  <title>Timesheet for Rafael Bachmann</title>
  <section class="session">
    <h1 class="sessionheader">Session on 2017-04-07, 09:12:54</h1>
    <div class="entry note">
      2017-04-07, 09:13:06: Note: blablabla
    <div class="entry pause">
      2017-04-07, 09:13:10: Started a pause
      <p class="pausenote">coffee</p>
    <div class="entry resume">
      2017-04-07, 09:13:32: Resumed work
    <h2 class="sessionfooter">Ended on 2017-04-07, 09:13:58</h2>

Which can be styled by style.css:



Currently the best way to install this is to install rust nightly via, clone this repo and then run cargo build --release in it.

You might want to add /home/rafael/Code/trk/target/release to your $PATH to have the trk executable available. For development, you might want to add /home/rafael/Code/trk/target/debug to your $PATH (in that case build with cargo build). You could also install properly to ~/bin/ or something.

If you use trk together with git, it is recommended that you place /.trk/ in your .gitignore file. trk will place a .git directory in .trk just to track itself, also you probably don't want to directly check in the trk internal files.

To automatically add abbreviated git commits or branch summaries to the history, you can copy the files post-commit (for commits) or post-checkout (for branches) to your projects .git/hooks directory. If those files already exist, just append the lines from the appropriate hook. All the hooks do is call trk with some meta info.

Soft Dependencies

trk is useful together with html-tidy and git, but it also works without them. (At the moment trk complains a lot if html-tidy is installled even though html-tidy is not at all necessary for the program to work correctly). When you run without git (or rather without set in .gitconfig) you have to provide one as in trk init <name>.


  • Rename ev_type to ty
  • Naming improvements: is_valid_ts, timestamp, time
  • Remove trailing _opt from options which are de-opted anyway. Just rebind the names
  • Find out if use util::*; and similar is bad
  • Move extern crates to root and reorder extern crate and use's and mods
  • Check if clap code should be put in a yaml file (not for now)
  • Simplify operations on session vec (last(), last_mut())
  • Redesign timesheet to handle timestamps nicely and deduplicate all timestamp logic
  • Clarify when ts + 1 is used (preferably improve logic so it becomes unnecessary)
  • Simplify option handling with if let, map, map_or
  • Multiple imports
  • Add work/pause summary to status output
  • Add settings/config struct
  • Split up into into,,, and
  • Move HTML templating to own lib or better use a crate like Maud
  • Use Result instead of bools (with error enums?)
  • Use format! instead of write! with String::new() WIP
  • Check output of get_seconds() anyway
  • Include stylesheets and gitignore in binary
  • Include Commit hooks in binary
  • Fix underflow in work_time()
  • Set the current directory to the next higher directory which contains a .trk directory
  • Set the current directory correctly even if started from within a .trk directory
  • Support different natural language durations (one week, since=date, or maybe place pins...)
  • Add a 'set' command, for example to set git_repo_url (in order to make the commit messages links to the repo)
  • Flush to html every load and just open browser on report.
  • Format output - leave out commits and branches, for example
  • Improve status output (was just debug output)
  • Better reporting if file is not present xor corrupt
  • Add past event adding for begin and end
  • Find a way to query time sheets up to a point in the past
  • Open a new session if a commit or branch is pushed when no session is running.
  • Convert unix timestamps to date strings
  • The session struct is a list of sequential events with timestamps. A session struct is identified by it's starting time
  • The Timesheet struct is deserialized on every run, worked on, and then serialized again. It has a to_html() implementation.
  • nicetohave: Run this on a server instead of the local machine.