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QSym² - a Rust program for Quantum Symbolic Symmetry. This is only a mirror. Please visit the main repository on GitLab. Documentation at


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![QSym² Logo](/images/qsym2_logo_no_text.svg)

QSym² is a program for Quantum Symbolic Symmetry analysis of quantum-chemical calculations written in Rust with the following capabilities:

  • on-the-fly generation of symbolic character tables,
  • analysis of degeneracy and symmetry breaking effects in Abelian and non-Abelian groups,
  • analysis of symmetry in external magnetic and electric fields,
  • inclusion of antiunitary symmetry based on corepresentation theory, and
  • inclusion of double-valued representations and corepresentations via explicit spin rotations

for the following targets:

  • Slater determinants,
  • molecular orbitals,
  • multi-determinantal wavefunctions obtained via non-orthogonal configuration interaction,
  • real-space functions defined on a grid,
  • electron densities, and
  • vibrational coordinates.

QSym² has been integrated with QUEST and its complementary GUI, QuestView. QSym² can also work with Q-Chem HDF5 archive files and Orca output files.

The main website for QSym² can be found here.

The public API documentation for QSym² can be found here.

Table of contents


Help and support

Developmental and programming issues with the crate qsym2 can be reported on GitLab. For scientific enquiries such as how to run the program QSym² for a particular quantum-chemical calculation or how to interpret the results of QSym², please join the dedicated Slack workspace using this invite link.

Installation from source

The following instructions for installing QSym² from source are specific to Debian/Ubuntu operating systems. On Microsoft Windows platforms, Windows Subsystem for Linux is recommended.

There are two main ways of installing QSym²:

  • as a binary named qsym2 providing the command-line interface, or
  • as a Python library named qsym2 providing the exposed Python bindings.

Both methods can be configured via Rust features.

Rust features

The QSym² crate defines the following features that can be specified at compilation via cargo. Some of these features are mutually exclusive.

Linear algebra backend

There are six features defining six different ways a linear algebra backend can be configured for QSym². These are inherited from the ndarray-linalg crate. One (and only one) of these must be specified:

  • openblas-static: Downloads, builds OpenBLAS, and links statically
  • openblas-system: Finds and links existing OpenBLAS in the system
  • netlib-static: Downloads, builds LAPACK, and links statically
  • netlib-system: Finds and links existing LAPACK in the system
  • intel-mkl-static: Finds and links existing static Intel MKL in the system, or downloads and links statically if not found
  • intel-mkl-system: Finds and links existing shared Intel MKL in the system

If the *-static backends give rise to numerical problems, please try installing the linear algebra backends directly (either via your system's package manager or by compiling from source) and then using the corresponding *-system backends.


  • qchem: Enables Q-Chem's HDF5 archive files to be read in and analysed
  • python: Enables the Python bindings for several core functionalities


  • integrals: Enables the computation of $n$-centre overlap integrals and $n$-centre overlap integral derivatives within QSym²


  • standard: Enables the openblas-static and qchem features
  • full: Enables the standard and integrals features


  • sandbox: Enables experimental features that are still being actively developed


The installation of QSym² requires the following:

  • Common:

    • curl for installing the Rust compiler
    • the Rust compiler and the cargo package manager
    • git for obtaining the source code of QSym²
    • libssl-dev (Debian/Ubuntu) or openssl-devel (Rocky/Fedora/RHEL)
    • pkg-config (Debian/Ubuntu) or pkgconfig (Rocky/Fedora/RHEL)
  • Feature-specific:

Feature Dependencies Notes
openblas-static make, gcc, gfortran Builds OpenBLAS and links statically (see ndarray-linalg documentation)
  • libopenblas-dev (Debian/Ubuntu)
  • openblas-devel (Rocky/Fedora/RHEL)
Finds and links existing OpenBLAS in the system (see ndarray-linalg documentation)
netlib-static make, gfortran Builds LAPACK and links statically (see ndarray-linalg documentation)
  • liblapack-dev (Debian/Ubuntu)
  • lapack-devel (Rocky/Fedora/RHEL)
Finds and links existing LAPACK in the system (see ndarray-linalg documentation)
  • pkg-config (Debian/Ubuntu)
  • pkgconfig (Rocky/Fedora/RHEL)
Finds and links existing static Intel MKL in the system, or downloads and links statically if not found (see ndarray-linalg documentation)
  • pkg-config (Debian/Ubuntu)
  • pkgconfig (Rocky/Fedora/RHEL)
Finds and links existing shared Intel MKL in the system (see ndarray-linalg documentation)
qchem cmake, gcc Builds the HDF5 C library and links statically
  • libssl-dev (Debian/Ubuntu)
  • openssl-devel (Rocky/Fedora/RHEL)
Installs the TLS framework required for reqwest
python Python, which is best managed via Anaconda Installs the Python bindings for core functionalities of QSym²

Binary compilation

The following instructions assume that the full feature is to be installed on a Debian/Ubuntu distro to make available the qsym2 binary.

  1. Install the basic dependencies by running the following commands (sudo privileges required):

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install curl git libssl-dev pkg-config
  2. Install the Rust compiler by running the command below and following the on-screen instructions:

    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

    The default configurations should suffice in most cases. Ensure that the current shell is restarted or the command source "$HOME/.cargo/env" is run upon installation completion so that the Rust compiler and the cargo package manager can be found.

  3. Install the feature-specific dependencies by running the following command (sudo privileges required):

    sudo apt-get install build-essential gfortran cmake
  4. Obtain the source code of QSym² either via git:

    git clone

    or by downloading a compressed tarball release and extracting it.

  5. Inside the source code directory, install QSym² by running the following command:

    cargo install --features full --path .

    which will compile and install the qsym2 binary into $HOME/.cargo/bin to allow for system-wide availability.

    Note that the --features option in the command above specifies that the full feature is to be installed. This option accepts a comma-separated list of features listed in the Rust features section and can be modified to select other features to be installed as appropriate.

    It is possible to install the qsym2 binary into a different path by running

    cargo install --features full --path . --root custom/install/path/for/qsym2

    instead. The custom path /custom/install/path/for/qsym2 must then be added to the $PATH environment variable to make qsym2 discoverable by the operating system.

Python-library compilation

The following instructions assume that the openblas-static, integrals, and python features are to be compiled on a Debian/Ubuntu distro and then installed as a Python library inside a conda environment. These features are specified in the pyproject.toml file.

  1. Follow steps 1 to 4 under the Binary compilation section above to install the required prerequisites.

  2. Make sure that the Anaconda package manager is available on your system. Instructions for installing Anaconda on a Linux system can be found here.

  3. Create a new conda environment named qsym2-python (or a different name of your choice) running Python 3.11 (or a different version of your choice):

    conda create -n qsym2-python python=3.11

    and then activate this environment:

    conda activate qsym2-python
  4. From inside the source code directory, execute

    pip install .

    This command calls pip which automatically acquires the build tool maturin to compile and install QSym² as a Python library into the qsym2-python conda environment. This library has the openblas-static, integrals, and python features enabled due to the specification in the pyproject.toml file.

    The Python library qsym2 can now be imported by any Python scripts running inside the qsym2-python conda environment.


There are two main ways of running QSym²:

  • via the command-line interface provided by the binary qsym2, or
  • via the exposed Python bindings provided by the Python library qsym2.

Command-line interface


This method is currently able to perform symmetry analysis of:

  • Slater determinants,
  • Hartree–Fock or Kohn–Sham molecular orbitals, and
  • vibrational coordinates

that have been exported by Q-Chem 6 to a HDF5 file named qarchive.h5 saved in the job's scratch directory,


  • Slater determinants, and
  • Hartree–Fock or Kohn–Sham molecular orbitals

that have been stored in binary files, together with other basis-set-related data.


The command-line interface supports several subcommands and options:

qsym2 -h
A program for Quantum Symbolic Symmetry

Usage: qsym2 <COMMAND>

          Generates a template YAML configuration file and exits
          Runs an analysis calculation and exits
          Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version

The subcommand template, runnable as

qsym2 template

generates a template configuration YAML file populated with some default control parameters. This file can be modified to adjust the parameters to suit the calculation at hand.

The subcommand run, runnable as

qsym2 run -c path/to/config -o output_name

takes a configuration YAML file as a parameter, performs the specified symmetry analysis, and displays the results in the specified output file.

Examples of symmetry analysis performed by QSym² for several Q-Chem calculations can be found on QSym²'s website.

Python interface


This method is currently able to perform symmetry analysis of:

  • Slater determinants,
  • Hartree–Fock or Kohn–Sham molecular orbitals,
  • multi-determinantal wavefunctions obtained via non-orthogonal configuration interaction,
  • real-space functions defined on a grid,
  • vibrational coordinates, and
  • one-electron densities

that can be computed directly in Python or read into Python from calculation files of quantum-chemistry packages, such as by the use of cclib. The main driver functions of QSym² are all exposed to Python, which means that they can be used and integrated into existing workflows flexibly.


To view the documentation for the Python API, execute the following Python commands inside the qsym2-python conda environment (see above), either interactively or in a Python script:

import qsym2

An example Python script that performs symmetry analysis for self-consistent-field calculations from Orca output files (parsed by cclib) can be found at utils/ This script requires the Python packages mendeleev, cclib, and numpy to run.

Another example where the Python bindings of QSym² are used extensively for the analysis of unitary and magnetic symmetry in the presence of external fields can be found in QUEST and its complementary GUI, QuestView.

Authors and acknowledgement

QSym² has been developed and maintained by Dr Bang C. Huynh at the University of Nottingham, UK since July 2022 with scientific support from Prof. Andrew M. Wibowo-Teale and Dr Meilani Wibowo-Teale and financial support from the ERC grant under the topDFT project.

The logo for QSym², which is a stylised stellated octahedron, was designed with artistic support from Mr Thinh Nguyen.


QSym² - a Rust program for Quantum Symbolic Symmetry. This is only a mirror. Please visit the main repository on GitLab. Documentation at




LGPL-3.0, GPL-3.0 licenses found

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