Simple PHP SDK for Solana JSON RPC endpoints
Lumen rest api demo with Dingo/Api, JWT, CORS, PHPUNIT
Hprose is a cross-language RPC. This project is Hprose for Golang.
点可云进销存系统,基于thinkphp+layui开发。功能包含:采购、销售、零售、多仓库管理、财务管理等功能 和超详细的报表功能(采购报表、销售报表、零售报表、仓库报表、资金报表等) 客服微信:diycloud 演示站:
A Go (Golang) Backend Clean Architecture project with Gin, MongoDB, JWT Authentication Middleware, Test, and Docker.
【超全golang面试题合集+golang学习指南+golang知识图谱+入门成长路线】 一份涵盖大部分golang程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。常用第三方库(mysql,mq,es,redis等)+机器学习库+算法库+游戏库+开源框架+自然语言处理nlp库+网络库+视频库+微服务框架+视频教程+音频音乐库+图形图片库+物联网库+地理位置信息+嵌入式脚本库+编译器库+数据库+金融库+电子邮件库…
📚 《Go语言高级编程》开源图书,涵盖CGO、Go汇编语言、RPC实现、Protobuf插件实现、Web框架实现、分布式系统等高阶主题(完稿)
🌷 awesome awesome go, study golang from basic to proficient。Go Study Guide。从学习 Go 基础语法和高级特性,到实战项目,再到架构微服务,最后到跑路。
Golang package for editing struct's fields during runtime and mapping structs to other structs.
Go library for decoding generic map values into native Go structures and vice versa.
📖 A little guide book on Ethereum Development with Go (golang)
The fastest HTTP/2 Go Web Framework. New, modern and easy to learn. Fast development with Code you control. Unbeatable cost-performance ratio 🚀
GoFrame is a modular, powerful, high-performance and enterprise-class application development framework of Golang.
Google Go language IDE built using the IntelliJ Platform