This directory contains following Data Structures and Algorithms implementations as well as projects and problem solving.
Arrays a. Matrix Rotation 90 degrees in place.
Linked Lists a. Basic Singly Linked List implementation with required methods. b. Reversing Singly Link List in one pass. c. Finding the Kth node from the last of a singly linked List in one pass. d. Finding the middle node/nodes of a singly linked list in one pass (Size is not known in advance)
Stacks a. Basic Stack implementation using a Linked List. b. Expression balance check using a stack. c. Reverse a string with stack.
Queues a. Basic Queue implementation with a Linked List b. Reverse First K elements of Queue
HashTables & Sets a. Find first non-repeating character b. Find first repeating character
mainclass.Tree a. Basic mainclass.Tree Implementation using Linked Lists b. Insertion to a tree c. Traverse a tree Pre-Order d. Traverse a tree In-Order e. Traverse a tree Post-Order f. Breadth First Traversal
Heap a. Basic Implementation of Heap Data Structure with an array b. Insertion of a node and bubbling up/down a Heap
Graphs a. Dijkstra Shortest Path Algorithm