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Finagle Developer Guide (December 15, 2011 Draft)

Quick Start

Finagle is an asynchronous network stack for the JVM that you can use to build asynchronous Remote Procedure Call (RPC) clients and servers in Java, Scala, or any JVM-hosted language. Finagle provides a rich set of tools that are protocol independent.

The following Quick Start sections show how to implement simple RPC servers and clients in Scala and Java. The first example shows the creation a simple HTTP server and corresponding client. The second example shows the creation of a Thrift server and client. You can use these examples to get started quickly and have something that works in just a few lines of code. For a more detailed description of Finagle and its features, start with Finagle Overview and come back to Quick Start later.

Note: The examples in this section include both Scala and Java implementations. Other sections show only Scala examples. For more information about Java, see Java Design Patterns for Finagle.


Simple HTTP Server

Consider a very simple implementation of an HTTP server and client in which clients make HTTP GET requests and the server responds to each one with an HTTP 200 OK response.

The following server, which is shown in both Scala and Java, responds to a client's HTTP request with an HTTP 200 OK response:

Scala HTTP Server Implementation
val service: Service[HttpRequest, HttpResponse] = new Service[HttpRequest, HttpResponse] { // 1
  def apply(request: HttpRequest) = Future(new DefaultHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, OK))          // 2

val address: SocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(10000)                                  // 3

val server: Server[HttpRequest, HttpResponse] = ServerBuilder()                            // 4
Java HTTP Server Implementation
Service<HttpRequest, HttpResponse> service = new Service<HttpRequest, HttpResponse>() {    // 1
  public Future<HttpResponse> apply(HttpRequest request) {
    return Future.value(                                                                   // 2
        new DefaultHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpResponseStatus.OK));

ServerBuilder.safeBuild(service, ServerBuilder.get()                                       // 4
  .bindTo(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 10000)));                                     // 3
HTTP Server Code Annotations
  1. Create a new Service that handles HTTP requests and responses.
  2. For each request, respond asynchronously with an HTTP 200 OK response. A Future instance represents an asynchronous operation that may be performed later.
  3. Specify the socket addresses on which your server responds; in this case, on port 10000 of localhost.
  4. Build a server that responds to HTTP requests on the socket and associate it with your service. In this case, the Server builder specifies
  • an HTTP codec, which ensures that only valid HTTP requests are received by the server
  • the host socket that listens for requests
  • the association between the server and the service, which is specified by .build in Scala and the first argument to safeBuild in Java
  • the name of the service

Note: For more information about the Java implementation, see Java Design Patterns for Finagle.


Simple HTTP Client

The client, which is shown in both Scala and Java, connects to the server, and issues a simple HTTP GET request:

Scala HTTP Client Implementation
val client: Service[HttpRequest, HttpResponse] = ClientBuilder()                           // 1

// Issue a request, get a response:
val request: HttpRequest = new DefaultHttpRequest(HTTP_1_1, GET, "/")                      // 2
val responseFuture: Future[HttpResponse] = client(request)                                 // 3
  onSuccess { response => println("Received response: " + response)                        // 4
Java HTTP Client Implementation
Service<HttpRequest, HttpResponse> client = ClientBuilder.safeBuild(ClientBuilder.get()    // 1

// Issue a request, get a response:
HttpRequest request = new DefaultHttpRequest(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpMethod.GET, "/");   // 2
client.apply(request).addEventListener(new FutureEventListener<HttpResponse>() {           // 3
  public void onSuccess(HttpResponse response) {                                           // 4
    System.out.println("received response: " + response);
  public void onFailure(Throwable cause) {
    System.out.println("failed with cause: " + cause);
HTTP Client Code Annotations
  1. Build a client that sends an HTTP request to the host identified by its socket address. In this case, the Client builder specifies
  • an HTTP request filter, which ensures that only valid HTTP requests are sent to the server
  • a list of the server's hosts that can process requests
  • maximum number of connections from the client to the host
  • to build this client service
  1. Create an HTTP GET request.
  2. Make the request to the host identified in your client.
  3. Specify a callback, onSuccess, that Finagle executes when the response arrives.

Note: Although the example shows building the client and execution of the built client on the same thread, you should build your clients only once and execute them separately. There is no requirement to maintain a 1:1 relationship between building a client and executing a client.


Simple Client and Server for Thrift

Apache Thrift is a binary communication protocol that defines available methods using an interface definition language (IDL). Consider the following Thrift IDL definition for a Hello service that defines only one method, hi:

service Hello {
  string hi();

Simple Thrift Server

In this Finagle example, the ThriftServer object implements the Hello service defined using the Thrift IDL.

Scala Thrift Server Implementation
object ThriftServer {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    // Implement the Thrift Interface
    val processor = new Hello.ServiceIface {                                 // 1
    def hi() = Future.value("hi")                                            // 2

  val service = new Hello.Service(processor, new TBinaryProtocol.Factory())  // 3

  val server: Server = ServerBuilder()                                       // 4
    .bindTo(new InetSocketAddress(8080))
Java Thrift Server Implementation
Hello.ServiceIface processor = new Hello.ServiceIface() {                    // 1
public Future<String> hi() {                                                 // 2
  return Future.value("hi");

ServerBuilder.safeBuild(                                                     // 4
  new Hello.Service(processor, new TBinaryProtocol.Factory()),               // 3
 // .codec(ThriftServerFramedCodecFactory$.MODULE$) previously
    .bindTo(new InetSocketAddress(8080)));
Thrift Server Code Annotations
  1. Create a Thrift processor that implements the Thrift service interface, which is Hello in this example.
  2. Implement the service interface. In this case, the only method in the interface is hi, which only returns the string "hi". The returned value must be a Future to conform the signature of a Finagle Service. (In a more robust example, the Thrift service might perform asynchronous communication.)
  3. Create an adapter from the Thrift processor to a Finagle service. In this case, the Hello Thrift service uses TBinaryProtocol as the Thrift protocol.
  4. Build a server that responds to Thrift requests on the socket and associate it with your service. In this case, the Server builder specifies
  • the name of the service
  • the host addresses that can receive requests
  • the Finagle-provided ThriftServerFramedCodec codec, which ensures that only valid Thrift requests are received by the server
  • the association between the server and the service

Simple Thrift Client

In this Finagle example, the ThriftClient object creates a Finagle client that executes the methods defined in the Hello Thrift service.

Scala Thrift Client Implementation
object ThriftClient {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    // Create a raw Thrift client service. This implements the
    // ThriftClientRequest => Future[Array[Byte]] interface.
    val service: Service[ThriftClientRequest, Array[Byte]] = ClientBuilder()               // 1
      .hosts(new InetSocketAddress(8080))

    // Wrap the raw Thrift service in a Client decorator. The client provides
    // a convenient procedural interface for accessing the Thrift server.
    val client = new Hello.ServiceToClient(service, new TBinaryProtocol.Factory())         // 2

    client.hi() onSuccess { response =>                                                    // 3
      println("Received response: " + response)
    } ensure {
      service.release()                                                                    // 4
Java Thrift Client Implementation
Service<ThriftClientRequest, byte[]> client = ClientBuilder.safeBuild(ClientBuilder.get()  // 1
  .hosts(new InetSocketAddress(8080))
  .codec(new ThriftClientFramedCodecFactory())

Hello.ServiceIface client =
  new Hello.ServiceToClient(client, new TBinaryProtocol.Factory());                        // 2

client.hi().addEventListener(new FutureEventListener<String>() {
  public void onSuccess(String s) {                                                        // 3

  public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
    System.out.println("Exception! ", t.toString());
Thrift Client Code Annotation
  1. Build a client that sends a Thrift protocol-based request to the host identified by its socket address. In this case, the Client builder specifies
    • the host addresses that can receive requests
    • the Finagle-provided ThriftServerFramedCodec codec, which ensures that only valid Thrift requests are received by the server
    • to build this client service
  2. Make a remote procedure call to the Hello Thrift service's Hi method. This returns a Future that represents the eventual arrival of a response.
  3. When the response arrives, the onSuccess callback executes to print the result.
  4. Release resources acquired by the client.


Finagle Overview

Use the Finagle library to implement asynchronous Remote Procedure Call (RPC) clients and servers. Finagle is flexible enough to support a variety of RPC styles, including request-response, streaming, and pipelining; for example, HTTP pipelining and Redis pipelining. It also makes it easy to work with stateful RPC styles; for example, RPCs that require authentication and those that support transactions.


Client Features

  • Connection Pooling
  • Load Balancing
  • Failure Detection
  • Failover/Retry
  • Distributed Tracing (a la Dapper)
  • Service Discovery (e.g., via Zookeeper)
  • Rich Statistics
  • Native OpenSSL Bindings


Server Features

  • Backpressure (to defend against abusive clients)
  • Service Registration (e.g., via Zookeeper)
  • Distributed Tracing
  • Native OpenSSL bindings


Supported Protocols

  • HTTP
  • HTTP streaming (Comet)
  • Thrift
  • Memcached/Kestrel
  • More to come!



Finagle extends the stream-oriented Netty model to provide asynchronous requests and responses for remote procedure calls (RPC). Internally, Finagle manages a service stack to track outstanding requests, responses, and the events related to them. Finagle uses a Netty pipeline to manage connections between the streams underlying request and response messages. The following diagram shows the relationship between your RPC client or server, Finagle, Netty, and Java libraries:

Relationship between your RPC client or server, Finagle, Netty, and Java Libraries (doc/FinagleRelationship.png)

Finagle manages a Netty pipeline for servers built on Finagle RPC services. Netty itself is built on the Java NIO library, which supports asynchronous IO. While an understanding of Netty or NIO might be useful, you can use Finagle without this background information.

Finagle objects are the building blocks of RPC clients and servers:

  • Future objects enable asynchronous operations required by a service
  • Service objects perform the work associated with a remote procedure call
  • Filter objects enable you to transform data or act on messages before or after the data or messages are processed by a service
  • Codec objects decode messages in a specific protocol before they are handled by a service and encode messages before they are transported to a client or server.

You combine these objects to create:

Finagle provides a ServerBuilder and a ClientBuilder object, which enable you to configure servers and clients, respectively.


Future Objects

In Finagle, Future objects are the unifying abstraction for all asynchronous computation. A Future represents a computation that has not yet completed, which can either succeed or fail. The two most basic ways to use a Future are to

  • block and wait for the computation to return
  • register a callback to be invoked when the computation eventually succeeds or fails

For more information about Future objects, see Using Future Objects.


Service Objects

A Service is simply a function that receives a request and returns a Future object as a response. You extend the abstract Service class to implement your service; specifically, you must define an apply method that transforms the request into the future response.


Filter Objects

It is useful to isolate distinct phases of your application into a pipeline. For example, you may need to handle exceptions, authorization, and other phases before your service responds to a request. A Filter provides an easy way to decouple the protocol handling code from the implementation of the business rules. A Filter wraps a Service and, potentially, converts the input and output types of the service to other types. For an example of a filter, see Creating Filters to Transform Requests and Responses.

A SimpleFilter is a kind of Filter that does not convert the request and response types. For an example of a simple filter, see Creating Filters.


Codec Objects

A Codec object encodes and decodes wire protocols, such as HTTP. You can use Finagle-provided Codec objects for encoding and decoding the Thrift, HTTP, memcache, Kestrel, HTTP chunked streaming (ala Twitter Streaming) protocols. You can also extend the CodecFactory class to implement encoding and decoding of other protocols.



In Finagle, RPC servers are built out of a Service and zero or more Filter objects. You apply filters to the service request after which you execute the service itself:

Relationship between a service and filters (doc/Filters.png)

Typically, you use a ServerBuilder to create your server. A ServerBuilder enables you to specify the following general attributes:

Attribute Description Default Value
codec Object to handle encoding and decoding of the service's request/response protocol None
statsReceiver Statistics receiver object, which enables logging of important events and statistics None
name Name of the service None
bindTo The IP host:port pairs on which to listen for requests; localhost is assumed if the host is not specified None
logger Logger object None

You can specify the following attributes to handle fault tolerance and manage clients:

Attribute Description Default Value
maxConcurrentRequests Maximum number of requests that can be handled concurrently by the server None
hostConnectionMaxIdleTime Maximum time that this server can be idle before the connection is closed None
hostConnectionMaxLifeTime Maximum time that this server can be connected before the connection is closed None
requestTimeout Maximum time to complete a request None
readTimeout Maximum time to wait for the first byte to be read None
writeCompletionTimeout Maximum time to wait for notification of write completion from a client None

You can specify the following attributes to manage TCP connections:

Attribute Description Default Value
sendBufferSize Requested TCP buffer size for responses None
recvBufferSize Actual TCP buffer size for requests None

You can also specify these attributes:

Attribute Description Default Value
tls The kind of transport layer security None
channelFactory Channel service factory object None
traceReceiver Trace receiver object new NullTraceReceiver object

Once you have defined your Service, it can be bound to an IP socket address, thus becoming an RPC server.



Finagle makes it easy to build RPC clients with connection pooling, load balancing, logging, and statistics reporting. The balancing strategy is to pick the endpoint with the least number of outstanding requests, which is similar to least connections in other load balancers. The load-balancer deliberately introduces jitter to avoid synchronicity (and thundering herds) in a distributed system.

Your code should separate building the client from invocation of the client. A client, once built, can be used with lazy binding, saving the resources required to build a client. Note: The examples, which show the creation of the client and its first execution together, represent the first-execution scenario. Typically, subsequent execution of the client does not require rebuilding.

Finagle will retry the request in the event of an error, up to the number of times specified; however, Finagle does not assume your RPC service is Idempotent. Retries occur only when the request is known to be idempotent, such as in the event of TCP-related WriteException errors, for which the RPC has not been transmitted to the remote server.

A robust way to use RPC clients is to have an upper-bound on how long to wait for a response to arrive. With Future objects, you can

  • block, waiting for a response to arrive and throw an exception if it does not arrive in time.
  • register a callback to handle the result if it arrives in time, and register another callback to invoke if the result does not arrive in time

A client is a Service and can be wrapped by Filter objects. Typically, you call ClientBuilder to create your client service. ClientBuilder enables you to specify the following general attributes:

Attribute Description Default Value
name Name of the service None
codec Object to handle encoding and decoding of the service's request/response protocol None
statsReceiver Statistics receiver object, which enables logging of important events and statistics None
loadStatistics How often to load statistics from the server (60, 10.seconds)
logger A Logger object with which to log Finagle messages None
retries Number of retries per request (only applies to recoverable errors) None

You can specify the following attributes to manage the host connection:

Attribute Description Default Value
connectionTimeout Time allowed to establish a connection 10.milliseconds
requestTimeout Request timeout None, meaning it waits forever
hostConnectionLimit Number of connections allowed from this client to the host None
hostConnectionCoresize Host connection's cache allocation None
hostConnectionIdleTime None
hostConnectionMaxWaiters The maximum number of queued requests awaiting a connection None
hostConnectionMaxIdleTime Maximum time that the client can be idle until the connection is closed None
hostConnectionMaxLifeTime Maximum time that client can be connected before the connection is closed None

You can specify the following attributes to manage TCP connections:

Attribute Description Default Value
sendBufferSize Requested TCP buffer size for responses None
recvBufferSize Actual TCP buffer size for requests None

You can also specify these attributes:

Attribute Description Default Value
cluster The cluster connections associated with the client None
channelFactory Channel factory associated with this client None
tls The kind of transport layer security None

If you are using stateful protocols, such as those used for transaction processing or authentication, you should call buildFactory, which creates a ServiceFactory to support stateful connections.


Threading Model

The Finagle threading model requires that you avoid blocking operations in the Finagle event loop. Finagle-provided methods do not block; however, you could inadvertently implement a client, service or a Future callback that blocks.

Blocking events include but are not limited to

  • network calls
  • system calls
  • database calls

Note: You do not need to be concerned with long-running or CPU intensive operations if they do not block. Examples of these operations include image processing operations, public key cryptography, or anything that might take a non-trivial amount of clock time to perform. Only operations that block in Finagle are of concern. Because Finagle and its event loop use a relatively low number of threads, blocked threads can cause performance issues.

Consider the following diagram, which shows how a client uses the Finagle event loop:

Relationship between your threads and Finagle (doc/ThreadEx.png)

Your threads, which are shown on the left, are allowed to block. When you call a Finagle method or Finagle calls a method for you, it dispatches execution of these methods to its internal threads. Thus, the Finagle event loop and its threads cannot block without degrading the performance of other clients and servers that use the same Finagle instance.

In complex RPC operations, it may be necessary to perform blocking operations. In these cases, you must set up your own thread pool and use Future or FuturePool objects to execute the blocking operation on your own thread. Consider the following diagram:

Handling operations that block (doc/ThreadExNonBlockingServer.png)

In this example, you can use a FuturePool object to provide threads for blocking operations outside of Finagle. Finagle can then dispatch the blocking operation to your thread. For more information about FuturePool objects, see Using Future Pools.


Starting and Stopping Servers

A server automatically starts when you call build on the server after assigning the IP address on which it runs. To stop a server, call its close method. The server will immediately stop accepting requests; however, the server will continue to process outstanding requests until all have been handled or until a specific duration has elapsed. You specify the duration when you call close. In this way, the server is allowed to drain out outstanding requests but will not run indefinitely. You are responsible for releasing all resources when the server is no longer needed.


Finagle Projects and Packages

The Core project contains the execution framework, Finagle classes, and supporting classes, whose objects are only of use within Finagle. The Core project includes the following packages:

  • builder - contains ClientBuilder, ServerBuilder
  • channel
  • http
  • loadbalancer
  • pool
  • service
  • stats
  • tracing
  • util

It also contains packages to support remote procedure calls over Kestrel, Thrift, streams, clusters, and provides statistics collection (Ostrich).

The Util project contains classes, such as Future, which are both generally useful and specifically useful to Finagle.


Using Future Objects

In the simplest case, you can use Future to block for a request to complete. Consider an example that blocks for an HTTP GET request:

// Issue a request, get a response:
val request: HttpRequest = new DefaultHttpRequest(HTTP_1_1, GET, "/")
val responseFuture: Future[HttpResponse] = client(request)

In this example, a client issuing the request will wait forever for a response unless you specified a value for the requestTimeout attribute when you built the client.

Consider another example:

val responseFuture: Future[String] = executor.schedule(job)

In this example, the value of responseFuture is not available until after the scheduled job has finished executing and the caller will block until responseFuture has a value.

Note: For examples of using Finagle Future objects in Java, see Using Future Objects With Java.


Future Callbacks

In cases where you want to continue execution immediately, you can specify a callback. The callback is identified by the onSuccess keyword:

val request: HttpRequest = new DefaultHttpRequest(HTTP_1_1, GET, "/")
val responseFuture: Future[HttpResponse] = client(request)
responseFuture onSuccess { responseFuture =>


Future Timeouts

In cases where you want to continue execution after some amount of elapsed time, you can specify the length of time to wait in the Future object. The following example waits 1 second before displaying the value of the response:

val request: HttpRequest = new DefaultHttpRequest(HTTP_1_1, GET, "/")
val responseFuture: Future[HttpResponse] = client(request)

In the above example, you do not know whether the response timed out before the request was satisfied. To determine what kind of response you actually received, you can provide two callbacks, one to handle onSuccess conditions and one for onFailure conditions. You use the within method of Future to specify how long to wait for the response. Finagle also creates a Timer thread on which to wait until one of the conditions are satisfied. Consider the following example:

import com.twitter.finagle.util.Timer._
val request: HttpRequest = new DefaultHttpRequest(HTTP_1_1, GET, "/")
val responseFuture: Future[HttpResponse] = client(request)
responseFuture.within(1.second) onSuccess { response =>
} onFailure {
  case e: TimeoutException => ...

If a timeout occurs, Finagle takes the onFailure path. You can use a TimeoutException object to display a message or take other actions.


Future Exceptions

To set up an exception, specify the action in a try block and handle failures in a catch block. Consider an example that handles Future timeouts as an exception:

val request: HttpRequest = new DefaultHttpRequest(HTTP_1_1, GET, "/")
val responseFuture: Future[HttpResponse] = client(request)
try {
} catch {
  case e: TimeoutException => ...

In this example, after 1 second, either the HTTP response is displayed or the TimeoutException is thrown.



Promise is a subclass of Future. Although a Future can only be read, a Promise can be both read and written. Usually a producer makes a Promise and casts it to a Future before giving it to the consumer. The following example shows how this might be useful in the case where you intend to make a Future service but need to anticipate errors:

def make() = {
val promise = new Promise[Service[Req, Rep]]
... {
  case Ok(myObject) =>
    promise() = myConfiguredObject
  case Error(cause) =>
    promise() = Throw(new ...Exception(cause))
  case Cancelled =>
    promise() = Throw(new WriteException(new ...Exception))

You are discouraged from creating your own Promises. Instead, where possible, use Future combinators to compose actions (discussed next).


Using Future map and flatMap Operations

In addition to waiting for results to return, Future can be transformed in interesting ways. For instance, it is possible to convert a Future[String] to a Future[Int] by using map:

val stringFuture: Future[String] = Future("1")
val intFuture: Future[Int] = stringFuture map (_.toInt)

Similar to map, you can use flatMap to easily pipeline a sequence of Futures:

val authenticateUser: Future[User] = User.authenticate(email, password)
val lookupTweets: Future[Seq[Tweet]] = authenticateUser flatMap { user =>

In this example, Tweet.findAllByUser(user) is a function of type User => Future[Seq[Tweet]].


Using Future in Scatter/Gather Patterns

For scatter/gather patterns, the challenge is to issue a series of requests in parallel and wait for all of them to arrive. To wait for a sequence of Future objects to return, you can define a sequence to hold the objects and use the Future.collect method to wait for them, as follows:

val myFutures: Seq[Future[Int]] = ...
val waitTillAllComplete: Future[Seq[Int]] = Future.collect(myFutures)

A more complex variation of scatter/gather pattern is to perform a sequence of asynchronous operations and harvest only those that return within a certain time, ignoring those that don't return within the specified time. For example, you might want to issue a set of parallel requests to N partitions of a search index; those that don't return in time are assumed to be empty. The following example allows 1 second for the query to return:

import com.twitter.finagle.util.Timer._

val results: Seq[Future[Result]] = { partition =>
  partition.get(query).within(1.second) handle {
    case _: TimeoutException => EmptyResult
val allResults: Future[Seq[Result]] = Future.collect(timedResults)

allResults onSuccess { results =>


Using Future Pools

A FuturePool object enables you to place a blocking operation on its own thread. In the following example, a service's apply method, which executes in the Finagle event loop, creates the FuturePool object and places the blocking operation on a thread associated with the FuturePool object. The apply method returns immediately without blocking.

class ThriftFileReader extends Service[String, Array[Byte]] {
  val diskIoFuturePool = FuturePool(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4))

  def apply(path: String) = {
    val blockingOperation = {
      scala.Source.fromFile(path) // potential to block
    // give this blockingOperation to the future pool to execute
    // returns immediately while the future pool executes the operation on a different thread

Note: For an example implementation of a thread pool in Java, see Implementing a Pool for Blocking Operations in Java.


Creating a Service

The following example extends the Service class to respond to an HTTP request:

class Respond extends Service[HttpRequest, HttpResponse] {
  def apply(request: HttpRequest) = {
    val response = new DefaultHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, OK)
    response.setContent(copiedBuffer(myContent, UTF_8))


Creating Simple Filters

The following example extends the SimpleFilter class to throw an exception if the HTTP authorization header contains a different value than the specified string:

class Authorize extends SimpleFilter[HttpRequest, HttpResponse] {
  def apply(request: HttpRequest, continue: Service[HttpRequest, HttpResponse]) = {
    if ("shared secret" == request.getHeader("Authorization")) {
    } else {
      Future.exception(new IllegalArgumentException("You don't know the secret"))

The following example extends the SimpleFilterclass to set the HTTP response code if an error occurs and return the error and stack trace in the response:

class HandleExceptions extends SimpleFilter[HttpRequest, HttpResponse] {
  def apply(request: HttpRequest, service: Service[HttpRequest, HttpResponse]) = {
    service(request) handle { case error =>
      val statusCode = error match {
        case _: IllegalArgumentException =>
        case _ =>

      val errorResponse = new DefaultHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, statusCode)
      errorResponse.setContent(copiedBuffer(error.getStackTraceString, UTF_8))


For an example implementation using a Filter object, see Creating Filters to Transform Requests and Responses.


Building a Robust Server

The following example encapsulates the filters and service in the previous examples and defines the execution order of the filters, followed by the service. The ServerBuilder object specifies the service that indicates the execution order along with the codec and IP address on which to bind the service:

object HttpServer {
  class HandleExceptions extends SimpleFilter[HttpRequest, HttpResponse] {...}
  class Authorize extends SimpleFilter[HttpRequest, HttpResponse] {...}
  class Respond extends Service[HttpRequest, HttpResponse] {... }

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val handleExceptions = new HandleExceptions
    val authorize = new Authorize
    val respond = new Respond

  val myService: Service[HttpRequest, HttpResponse]
    = handleExceptions andThen authorize andThen respond

  val server: Server = ServerBuilder()
    .bindTo(new InetSocketAddress(8080))

In this example, the HandleExceptions filter is executed before the authorize filter. All filters are executed before the service. The server is robust not because of its complexity; rather, it is robust because it uses filters to remove issues before the service executes.


Building a Robust Client

A robust client has little to do with the lines of code (SLOC) that goes into it; rather, the robustness depends on how you configure the client and the testing you put into it. Consider the following HTTP client:

val client = ClientBuilder()
  .hostConnectionLimit(1)             // max number of connections at a time to a host
  .connectionTimeout(1.second)        // max time to spend establishing a TCP connection
  .retries(2)                         // (1) per-request retries
  .reportTo(new OstrichStatsReceiver) // export host-level load data to ostrich

The ClientBuilder object creates and configures a load balanced HTTP client that balances requests among 3 (local) endpoints. The Finagle balancing strategy is to pick the endpoint with the least number of outstanding requests, which is similar to a least connections strategy in other load balancers. The Finagle load balancer deliberately introduces jitter to avoid synchronicity (and thundering herds) in a distributed system. It also supports failover.

The following examples show how to invoke this client from Scala and Java, respectively:

Scala Client Invocation
val request: HttpRequest = new DefaultHttpRequest(HTTP_1_1, Get, "/")
val futureResponse: Future[HttpResponse] = client(request)
Java Client Invocation
HttpRequest request = new DefaultHttpRequest(HTTP_1_1, Get, "/")
Future<HttpResponse> futureResponse = client.apply(request)

For information about using Future objects with Java, see Using Future Objects With Java.


Creating Filters to Transform Requests and Responses

The following example extends the Filter class to authenticate requests. The request is transformed into an HTTP response before being handled by the AuthResult service. In this case, the RequireAuthentication filter does not transform the resulting HTTP response:

class RequireAuthentication(val p: ...)
  extends Filter[Request, HttpResponse, AuthenticatedRequest, HttpResponse]
    def apply(request: Request, service: Service[AuthenticatedRequest, HttpResponse]) = {
      p.authenticate(request) flatMap {
        case AuthResult(AuthResultCode.OK, Some(passport: OAuthPassport), _, _) =>
          service(AuthenticatedRequest(request, passport))
        case AuthResult(AuthResultCode.OK, Some(passport: SessionPassport), _, _) =>
          service(AuthenticatedRequest(request, passport))
        case ar: AuthResult =>
          Trace.record("Authentication failed with " + ar)
          Future.exception(new RequestUnauthenticated(ar.resultCode))

In this example, the flatMap object enables pipelining of the requests.


Using ServerSet Objects

finagle-serversets is an implementation of the Finagle Cluster interface using ServerSets.

You can instantiate a ServerSet object as follows:

val serverSet = new ServerSetImpl(zookeeperClient, "/twitter/services/...")
val cluster = new ZookeeperServerSetCluster(serverSet)

Servers join a cluster, as in the following example:

val serviceAddress = new InetSocketAddress(...)
val server = ServerBuilder()


A client can access a cluster, as follows:

val client = ClientBuilder()
  .codec(new StringCodec)


Java Design Patterns for Finagle

The implementations of RPC servers and clients in Java are similar to Scala implementations. You can write your Java services in the imperative style, which is the traditional Java programming style, or you can write in the functional style, which uses functions as objects and is the basis for Scala. Most differences between Java and Scala implementations are related to exception handling.


Using Future Objects With Java

A Future object in Java is defined as Future<Type>, as in the following example:

Future<String> future = executor.schedule(job);

Note: The Future class is defined in com.twitter.util.Future and is not the same as the Java Future class.

You can explicitly call the Future object's get method to retrieve the contents of a Future object:

// Wait indefinitely for result
String result = future.get();

Calling get is the more common pattern because you can more easily perform exception handling. See Handling Synchronous Responses With Exception Handling for more information.

You can alternatively call the Future object's apply method. Arguments to the apply method are passed as functions:

// Wait up to 1 second for result
String result = future.apply(Duration.apply(1, SECOND));

This technique is most appropriate when exception handling is not an issue.


Imperative Java Style

The following example shows the imperative style, which uses an event listener that responds to a change in the Future object and calls the appropriate method:

Future<String> future = executor.schedule(job);
  new FutureEventListener<String>() {
    public void onSuccess(String value) {
    public void onFailure(Throwable t) ...


Functional Java Style

The following example shows the functional style, which is similar to the way in which you write Scala code:

Future<String> future = executor.schedule(job);
  future.onSuccess( new Function<String, Void>() {
    public Void apply(String value) { System.out.println(value);
  } ).onFailure(...).ensure(...);

The following example shows the functional style for the map method:

Future<String> future = executor.schedule(job);
Future<Integer> result = Function<String, Integer>() {
  public Integer apply(String value) { return Integer.valueOf(value);


Building a Server in Java

When you create a server in Java, you have several options. You can create a server that processes requests synchronously or asynchronously. You must also choose an appropriate level of exception handling. In all cases, either a Future or an exception is returned.This section shows several techniques that are relevant for servers written in Java:


Server Imports

As you write a server in Java, you will become familiar with the following packages and classes. Some netty classes are specifically related to HTTP. Most of the classes you will use are defined in the com.twitter.finagle and com.twitter.util packages.


import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffers;
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultHttpResponse;
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpRequest;
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponse;
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus;
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpVersion;

import com.twitter.finagle.Service;
import com.twitter.finagle.builder.ServerBuilder;
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Http;
import com.twitter.util.Future;
import com.twitter.util.FutureEventListener;
import com.twitter.util.FutureTransformer;


Performing Synchronous Operations

If your server can respond synchronously, you can use the following pattern to implement your service:

public class HTTPServer extends Service<HttpRequest, HttpResponse> {
  public Future<HttpResponse> apply(HttpRequest request) {
  // If I can generate the response synchronously, then I just do this.
  try {
    HttpResponse response = processRequest(request);
    return Future.value(response);
  } catch (MyException e) {
    return Future.exception(e);

In this example, the try catch block causes the server to either return a response or an exception.


Performing Asynchronous Operations

In Java, you can implement asynchronous operations by calling a Future object's getContentAsync method to obtain the content from an asynchronous request. The Future object's transformedBy method transforms the content of the Future object from one data type to another, with the help of a FutureTransformer object. You typically override the object's map method to perform the actual conversion. A Throwable object is provided when an exception occurs to communicate information about the kind of exception. The following example shows this pattern:

public class HTTPServer extends Service<HttpRequest, HttpResponse> {
  public Future<HttpResponse> apply(HttpRequest request) {

    Future<String> contentFuture = getContentAsync(request);
    return contentFuture.transformedBy(new FutureTransformer<String, HttpResponse>() {
      public HttpResponse map(String content) {
        HttpResponse httpResponse =
          new DefaultHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpResponseStatus.OK);
          return httpResponse;

      public HttpResponse handle(Throwable throwable) {
        HttpResponse httpResponse =
          new DefaultHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpResponseStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE);
        return httpResponse;


Invoking the Server

The following example shows the instantiation and invocation of the server. Calling the ServerBuilder's safeBuild method statically checks arguments to ServerBuilder, which prevents a runtime error if a required argument is missing:

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ServerBuilder.safeBuild(new HTTPServer(),
                                         .bindTo(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8080)));



Building a Client in Java

When you create a client in Java, you have several options. You can create a client that processes responses synchronously or asynchronously. You must also choose an appropriate level of exception handling. This section shows several techniques that are relevant for clients written in Java:


Client Imports

As you write a client in Java, you will become familiar with the following packages and classes. Some netty classes are specifically related to HTTP. Most of the classes you will use are defined in the com.twitter.finagle and com.twitter.util packages.

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultHttpRequest;
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpMethod;
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpRequest;
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponse;
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpVersion;

import com.twitter.finagle.Service;
import com.twitter.finagle.builder.ClientBuilder;
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Http;
import com.twitter.util.Duration;
import com.twitter.util.FutureEventListener;
import com.twitter.util.Throw;
import com.twitter.util.Try;


Creating the Client

The following example shows the instantiation and invocation of a client. Calling the ClientBuilder's safeBuild method statically checks arguments to ClientBuilder, which prevents a runtime error if a required argument is missing:

public class HTTPClient {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Service<HttpRequest, HttpResponse> httpClient =
                     .hosts(new InetSocketAddress(8080))

Note: Choosing a value of 1 for hostConnectionLimit eliminates contention for a host.


Handling Synchronous Responses

In the simplest case, you can wait for a response, potentially forever. Typically, you should handle both a valid response and an exception:

    HttpRequest request = new DefaultHttpRequest(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpMethod.GET, "/");

    try {
      HttpResponse response1 = httpClient.apply(request).apply();
    } catch (Exception e) {


Handling Synchronous Responses With Timeouts

To avoid waiting forever for a response, you can specify a duration, which throws an exception if the duration expires. The following example sets a duration of 1 second:

    try {
      HttpResponse response2 = httpClient.apply(request).apply(
        new Duration(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(1)));
    } catch (Exception e) {


Handling Synchronous Responses With Exception Handling

Use the Try and Throw classes in com.twitter.util to implement a more general approach to exception handling for synchronous responses. In addition to specifying a timeout duration, which can throw an exception, other exceptions can also be thrown.

    Try<HttpResponse> responseTry = httpClient.apply(request).get(
      new Duration(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(1)));
    if (responseTry.isReturn()) {
      // Cool, I have a response! Get it and do something
      HttpResponse response3 = responseTry.get();
    } else {
        // Throw an exception
      Throwable throwable = ((Throw)responseTry).e();
      System.out.println("Exception thrown by client: " +  throwable);

Note: You must call the request's get method instead of the apply method to retrieve the Try object.


Handling Asynchronous Responses

To handle asynchronous responses, you add a FutureEventListener to listen for a response. Finagle invokes the onSuccess method when a response arrives or invokes onFailure for an exception:

    httpClient.apply(request).addEventListener(new FutureEventListener<HttpResponse>() {
      public void onSuccess(HttpResponse response4) {
        // Cool, I have a response, do something with it!

      public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {
        System.out.println("Exception thrown by client: " +  throwable);


Implementing a Thread Pool for Blocking Operations in Java

To prevent blocking operations from executing on the main Finagle thread, you must wrap the blocking operation in a Scala closure and execute the closure on the Java thread that you create. Typically, your Java thread is part of a thread pool. The following sections show how to wrap your blocking operation, set up a thread pool, and execute the blocking operation on a thread in your pool:

Note: Jakob Homan provides an example implementation of a thread pool that executes Scala closures on GitHub.


Wrapping the Blocking Operation

The Util project contains a Function0 class that represents a Scala closure. You can override the apply method to wrap your blocking operation:

public static class BlockingOperation extends com.twitter.util.Function0<Integer> {
  public Integer apply() {
    // Implement your blocking operation here


Setting Up Your Thread Pool

The following example shows a Thrift server that places the blocking operation defined in the Future0 object's apply method in the Java thread pool, where it will eventually execute and return a result:

public static class HelloServer implements Hello.ServiceIface {
  ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4);                        // Java thread pool
  ExecutorServiceFuturePool futurePool = new ExecutorServiceFuturePool(threads); // Java Future thread pool
  public Future<Integer> blockingOperation() {  
      Function0<Integer> blockingWork = new BlockingOperation();
    return futurePool.apply(blockingWork);

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Hello.ServiceIface processor = new Hello.ServiceIface();

      new Hello.Service(processor, new TBinaryProtocol.Factory()),
                   .bindTo(new InetSocketAddress(8080))


Invoking the Blocking Operation

To invoke the blocking operation, you call the method that wraps your blocking operation and add an event listener that waits for either success or failure:

	  Service<ThriftClientRequest, byte[]> client = ClientBuilder.safeBuild(ClientBuilder.get()
	    .hosts(new InetSocketAddress(8080))
	    .codec(new ThriftClientFramedCodecFactory())
	    .hostConnectionLimit(100)); // Must be more than 1 to enable parallel execution

	  Hello.ServiceIface client =
	    new Hello.ServiceToClient(client, new TBinaryProtocol.Factory());

	  client.blockingOperation().addEventListener(new FutureEventListener<Integer>() {
	    public void onSuccess(Integer i) {

	  public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
	    System.out.println("Exception! ", t.toString());


Additional Samples

  • Echo - A simple echo client and server using a newline-delimited protocol. Illustrates the basics of asynchronous control-flow.
  • Http - An advanced HTTP client and server that illustrates the use of Filters to compositionally organize your code. Filters are used here to isolate authentication and error handling concerns.
  • Memcached Proxy - A simple proxy supporting the Memcached protocol.
  • Stream - An illustration of Channels, the abstraction for Streaming protocols.
  • Spritzer 2 Kestrel - An illustration of Channels, the abstraction for Streaming protocols. Here the Twitter Firehose is "piped" into a Kestrel message queue, illustrating some of the compositionality of Channels.
  • Stress - A high-throughput HTTP client for driving stressful traffic to an HTTP server. Illustrates more advanced asynchronous control-flow.
  • Thrift - A simple client and server for a Thrift protocol.
  • Kestrel Client - A client for doing reliable reads from one or more Kestrel servers.


API Reference Documentation

For the software revision history, see the Finagle change log. For additional information about Finagle, see the Finagle homepage.



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A fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system







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