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Check how pythonic a Github user is.

❗ ❗ DO NOT judge any one based on how pythonic/a-pythonic they are/it is. ❗ ❗


npm i -g pythoness
# Generate a token at
echo the-token > ~/.pythoness
pythoness             # Check your daily Pythoness, public & private
pythoness --public    # Check your daily Pythoness, public repo only
pythoness b1f6c1c4    # How Pythonic another user is? (public only)


$ npm install --global pythoness


pythoness [<who>]

Check pythoness of a Github user

  pythoness.js show-limit     Show GitHub API usage and limit
  pythoness.js check [<who>]  Check pythoness of a Github user         [default]

  who  Github username                                                  [string]

  --version        Show version number                                 [boolean]
  --token-file     Github token file for full control of private repos, see
                                              [string] [default: "~/.pythoness"]
  -t, --token      Github token for full control of private repos, see
  --public         Ignore all private repos                            [boolean]
  --help           Show help                                           [boolean]
  -s, --self       Check their own repos               [boolean] [default: true]
  -S, --star       Include starred repos               [boolean] [default: true]
  -f, --following  Check following's repos (depth=1)   [boolean] [default: true]
  -F, --followers  Check followers' repos (depth=1)    [boolean] [default: true]


Why this program is written in JavaScript, not Python?

Because of neutrality of accounting.

How Pythoness calculated?

Pythoness of a single repo

where is the ratio of Python bytes among all code bytes (the proportion of Python blue in the Github webpage).

Self-Pythoness of an user

Self-Pythoness of an user is defined to be the "congress" average of their repos' Pythoness. First, a repo is assigned senate and the house seats, separatedly, based on the following rules:

type Senate seats The House seats
owner, empty, source 100 0
owner, empty, fork 1 0
owner, non-empty, source 1000 Number of total code bytes
owner, non-empty, fork 50 0
non-owner, starred 10 0

Then, senate and the house will "vote", or calculate weighted arithmetic average. Finally, the "congress" average is defined as

Following-Pythoness of an user

First, all users followed by the targeted user will be enumerated and have their self-pythoness calculated. Next, each one is assigned senate and the house seats, separatedly, based on the following rules:

type Senate seats The House seats
has written at least one byte code 1000 Number of total code bytes
has not writeen any code 10 0

Then follow the same procedure as above.

Followers-Pythoness of an user

All users following the targeted user will be enumerated and have their self-pythoness calculated. The same procedure as above applies.

Final Pythoness of an user

It's defined as the RMS (root-mean-square) of their self-, following-, followers- Pythoness (whichever enabled in the command line).


This repo is licensed with GNU AGPLv3 or later.

Again, the output of this program has absolutely no relationship with the Github user's personality, morality, and/or technical skills. Do NOT judge any person, organization, or entity based on how pythonic they are(aren't)/it is(isn't). The author(s) hold(s) absolutely no liability for anything caused by any interpretation of pythonic information, including but not limited to the output of this program.