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/ mbean-reporter Public archive

Lightweight JVM MBean metrics reporter that can be easily extended to support any database.


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Lightweight JVM MBean metrics reporter that can be easily extended to support any database.


Only org.slf4j:slf4j-api must be available on classpath.



Java Agent based application that connects to JVM and loads mbean-reporter-api implementations using Service Provider mechanism. This makes it very portable, as it can be attached to your already compiled and packaged app without source code modifications.

As soon as agent is loaded (which is before main() method), it starts to periodically query local MBean Server for metrics and sends them to database of your choice (each 10 seconds by default).


Separated API package that provides necessary interface MetricsDatabase for databases implementations, Measurement definition, configuration reader and simple HTTP client.

Configuration is created from environment variables and Java execution properties (override supported). Variable name must start with reporter prefix followed by dot/underscore and configuration key name (all case insensitive), for example:

  • environment variable REPORTER_NAME=test will result in name=test configuration
  • execution property -Dreporter.dataBase=test will result in database=test configuration

Configuration keys available by default in mbean-reporter-agent:

  • interval - reporting period in seconds, default: 10
  • dbImpl - fully qualified class name of MetricsDatabase implementation, default: com.github.b0ch3nski.reporter.persistence.InfluxDB


Example implementation of mbean-reporter-api for InfluxDB. Following configuration is supported:

  • dbUrl - URL of InfluxDB instance, default: http:https://localhost:8086
  • dbName - Database name where metrics will be sent, default: jvm-metrics

WARNING: HTTPS and user authentication is not yet supported!


Development builds:

gradle clean build

Release builds:

gradle clean build -Pbuild.type=release


java \
-javaagent:mbean-reporter-agent-0.2.jar \
-cp <<YOUR_CLASSPATH>>:mbean-reporter-api-0.2.jar:mbean-reporter-influxdb-0.2.jar \


For testing purposes, one might try running mbean-reporter-testapp which is producing meaningless metric using io.dropwizard.metrics:

docker run -d -p 8086:8086 --name=influxdb influxdb:alpine; \
java \
-javaagent:agent/build/libs/mbean-reporter-agent-0.2.jar \
-cp testapp/build/libs/mbean-reporter-testapp-0.2.jar:api/build/libs/mbean-reporter-api-0.2.jar:impl/influxdb/build/libs/mbean-reporter-influxdb-0.2.jar \
-DrootLogLevel=DEBUG \

After a while, dummy metric should be visible in InfluxDB alongside other standard JVM metrics, like java.lang.Memory.HeapMemoryUsage.used:

curl -Gi "http:https://localhost:8086/query?pretty=true" --data-urlencode "db=jvm-metrics" --data-urlencode "q=SHOW MEASUREMENTS"
curl -Gi "http:https://localhost:8086/query?pretty=true" --data-urlencode "db=jvm-metrics" --data-urlencode "q=SELECT * FROM \"\""

Simple data visualization is possible using Grafana:

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --link=influxdb -e INFLUXDB_HOST=influxdb --name=grafana appcelerator/grafana

For additional verification, one can enable remote JMX interface to compare results with live view using JConsole or VisualVM: \ \ \
-Djava.rmi.server.hostname= \ \